Chapter 13. Validation

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Chapter13. Validation

The backyard was silent as a tomb when Ester came back. She had a tray on her hands with a pitcher of lemonade, plus the glass of water I've requested.

Upon placing it on the table, she wiped her hands on her jeans, cocked a trimmed brow, and said, "Did I miss anything?" Ester was good at catching simple cues. Or maybe Spencer's silence was too obvious. He was usually coming up with devious schemes.

Genesis reached for the paper bag without answering, and unfolded it so she could peek inside. I was about to lean closer to her when Spencer stopped me with a touch of a hand. "Uh-uh. Not you."

"What's going on?" Ester repeated as she returned to her seat.

Genesis had parted the bag and was now looking inside. She reached for the content and retrieved a piece of paper. The said paper was unfolded.

Every second that passed brought me closer to knowing how the cat felt before it died from curiosity. Its paws were probably sweaty. Its whiskers more sensitive. Its nose wouldn't be as itchy as mine, but maybe it had other dilemmas.

Genesis folded the paper and let it fall in the bag. Her lips were set as she turned to Spencer. "When should I complete them?"

I shifted at the edge of my seat. "Complete what?"

Spencer placed his hands on the table and entwined his fingers. "By this evening, or you forfeit."

"Great," I said. "I've become totally invisible."

Genesis' chair was pushed back when she stood. She wasn't even going to talk to me or Ester. She was just looking at Spencer. "I'll give the soap box to you before then."

"I'm not expecting any less than that," Spencer affirmed.

The snippets of their conversation made me realize something. Enough to make me gape at both of them. "This is a joke, right?" I kicked the leg of Ester's chair to gain her support. "Tell them how stupid this is."

Her expression didn't change as she reached for the pitcher of lemonade and poured herself a glass. She wasn't going to intervene. That only proved where she stood in this issue. Ester was mad at Genesis too.

"Spencer," I said. "Genesis?"

Their minds were set. I could see it in their faces. They'd go through with it, with or without my consent.

I folded my arms. "If that's the case, then I'm going with Gene."

Spencer had been leaning on his seat and almost toppled backward. He caught himself by swinging his legs forward. "Stay here, Des. Genesis needs to do this alone."

Why? So she'd feel left out by her friends? What's wrong with people? Why couldn't we just forgive each other and move on? Why did we have to make things complicated? And they said I was a weirdo for liking puppets.

Genesis made a small gasp when I hooked a finger on her waistband and tugged her to me. She wasn't going anywhere anymore. I was tired of seeing her go.

The school was usually closed on weekends, so it came as a surprise when we started heading to its direction after the twins let us go. So surprising in fact, that I had to ask questions.

"How many dares are there on Spencer's list?"

"It doesn't matter," Gene said.

"Are they hard?"

"Not at all."

"Do you think it will get us in trouble?"

"Depends on what you mean by that."

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