Chapter 38. Old Habits

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Chapter38. Old Habits

Woody didn't know why I left Bear Creek. Neither did Mr. Danes', Linda, or anyone who'd been associated with me afterwards. They thought I did it for ambition.

But at times like this when I'd wake up in Woody's arms, sunlight streaming through the slanted blinds of the RV to our faces, I wish I could tell her. Maybe someday though. That's what I would always tell myself. Someday I'd let her touch me like how Genesis touched me. Someday, Woody and I would build a home. Have a child. Someday.

"Good morning, gorgeous." Those were Woody's first words upon opening her eyes.

I waited for her to shake off sleep, kiss me on the forehead, before telling her the news. "Today is the day."

"What day?" She chuckled when I pursed my lips, then wrapped an arm around me. Woody liked pulling me to her, which was what she did now. "Just kidding," she murmured. "You're going to talk to him today?"

She yelped when I bit her nose. Surprise attack.

"That's revenge," I said, leaning back. "For pretending to forget."

"You vengeful little cub."

Woody, you have no idea.

But I smiled at her. "Time to shower and get dressed," I said. "Are you doing anything today while I handle my stuff? I don't want you to be lonely without me."

"I made some plans." She chuckled again when I pouted. "Don't worry, I'm just talking to the Potatoes. Haven't seen them for ages."

All because of me.

But I smiled at that too. "Okay, let's get ready. You know how short Shorty's fuse is. Don't keep them waiting."

I was about to roll off the bed when Woody grabbed my waist and kept me by her side. "Not so fast," she said. "Close your eyes first."

My lids fluttered close. Same words. Old habits. But different woman.

"Just making sure you enjoy our kiss," she whispered after. "Come home to me, okay?"

Woody prepared breakfast while I ran over my schedule for the day. We've been in Bear Creek for two weeks. A productive two weeks, might I say. Everything was going according to plan.

After breakfast, we went our separate ways to meet people. I've been spending some time going back and forth Mr. Danes' office, reconnecting with dad, and pursuing some goals. But today the schedule was reserved for two honored guests— one of which waited for me in his office.

I parked the Harley on the street and got down. The guard recognized me immediately and opened the gate. "You're expected, Miss Jones," he said.

"Thank you."

I kept my eyes forward and straight, knowing I'd bump into someone eventually. It happened sooner than later, on the grand staircase leading up.

"You!" The collar of my blazer was clutched, bunched, and pulled. But Gabrielle didn't release me on the landing of the second floor. She pushed me towards a room and shut the door close. "You have the guts the show your face after what you've done!" she snarled.

"And what exactly is that?" I straightened my blazer with a sigh.

"You sold me to the authorities! It was you, wasn't it?!" Her hands balled into fists. Gabby still looked like Gabby. When would she realize that all that makeup was making her look like a clown? "I don't do coke!" she spat. "I may look like this, but I'm not a junkie!"

"Then you have no reason to fear." I moved forward and clapped a hand on her shoulder. "Especially me, Gabe. It's not like I went back to Bear Creek to ruin all your lives."

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