Chapter 29. Pandora

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Chapter29. Pandora

Not all secret boxes contained all the evil in this world. Sometimes it could be hiding love, and the problem not with the secret itself, but what people outside that box would do if they ever find out. Thus, it needed to be sealed.

"Excuse me," I said. "Coming through." Pulling the Blackberry from my pocket, I checked the time. Yikes. More than a minute flew by since recess. Only a couple were left. I tucked the phone back and hurried to the hallway.

The student council room was closed when I got there. It almost always was nowadays. I brought my hand up to knock. It opened without a sound.

"Destiny." Genesis' smile was tight. Clad in her jeans, black top, cardigan, and a hair tie, she looked every bit like the student president. She nodded to the passing students behind me before acknowledging my equally formal smile. Her eyebrow raised. "What are you doing here?"

I rubbed my forefinger against my thumb. The backpack holding Boy and Girl was back in my classroom. I didn't have anything else to fiddle with. "Student fair," I said, those two words everything I needed to explain. "They said to talk to you about it."

"Oh. Yeah." The door opened wider. There was no one beside her. She gestured inside. "Please come in."

Now that the elections had formally ended, and the winners declared, Genesis and her new team were given this room to help, mentor, talk to lost students like me. The school had been generous in providing them a large couch, a whiteboard, and a long table where they could discuss official business. The lock clicked behind me.

"Student fair?" Gene whispered to my ear. I giggled when her arm looped around my waist. She smelled like cotton candy.

I twisted to her. "It's a good alibi," I said, then frowned. "You're not going to make me fill-up paper works, are you?"

She pushed me backward. "Nope."

We reached the table in a matter of seconds. Genesis was strong enough to lift me up, chuckling under her breath as she followed me on top. Her eyes were bright. My galaxies.

I took a breath when we lay on the table. It was always like this now, us in here, doing secret things, enjoying it.

Her lips brushed on my forehead. Then my nose. And while it closed on my mouth, her hand slid to my thigh. I held back a groan.

"I love you," she murmured, though she hadn't really pulled back. Her mouth was still against mine.

I trailed my fingers on her spine. She shivered. I did too, knowing what I'd ask. "Want to use tongue?"

She froze, before her eyes leveled to mine. "You sure?"

I never should have asked. I've made it awkward. "I mean we've only done it twice," I said. "I mean. . ." And we were back to kissing. But now she was opening my mouth and sliding her tongue in, and for the third time this week, I'd proven that she could shut me up without really saying anything. I rubbed her nape and deepened the kiss.

"Destiny. . ." Her eyes were different, clouded when she pulled back. I wiped the bit of saliva stuck on her lip, then brought her back to me. I could make her shut up too.

"I am so done trying to talk to that guy. Can you believe he blames the student council for his blunder?"

The door was opening. People were coming in. Oh my God!

Genesis and I broke apart and scattered around the room like ducks on fire. The students entering noticed us. "Oh." A guy with afro hair stared between me and Gene. We'd managed to go on opposite sides of the room in as little time as possible. I didn't lower the magazine I was "reading," but Genesis stood from the couch. She looked annoyed.

Dear Ex-Girlfriend (Lesbian, Girlxgirl, Gay)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora