Annoying Boyfriend - Nico Hulkenberg

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"Liebe!!!!" He shouted from the kitchen.

"What?!" He annoyed me so much during all day that I wasn't able to pay attention to him anymore.

"I'm so sorry for annoying you today baby, I was just trying to make you laugh!"

"Making me laugh breaking my Kylie make up? Oh wow how cool!"

"Baby I'm so sorry... it was just an accident, sorry sorry sorry. You know how bad I am when it comes to being funny."

"Yeah, I know that."

"So would you forgive me? Please?" he asked and I nod. "I love you."

"I love you..." I answer when he kisses my cheek.

I was still angry at him, and he knew it.



"You know what's beautiful? Say the first word again."

"The first word again."

"Exactly honey, say it!"


"Yeah you're definitely mad!" He laughed  kissing my forehead and hugging me more while I chucked at his attempts of being cute and adorable.

Liebe = love

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LA, xx

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