#29: Lewis Hamilton

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Got carried away while writing this😂😂💕
This one was requested by a very special person to me. My little flower Margherita. I Love you baby.❤
Lew got food poisoning and I was actually really worried, so was this flower😚😘. But it also gave me this idea so I hope you like it and thank you so much for requesting.

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#29:"Listen to me. This isn't you. The real you is in there somewhere, the person I know and love is strong enough to fight back, or at least try."

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Lew, your adorable boyfriend went to London for some work duties, so he wouldn't be with you at least until Wednesday when you two had to travel to the FIA prize giving gala so he would be officially crowned as the year's champion. He was excited, you were excited, Coconut and Roscoe were excited, Obama was excited, Michael Jackson was excited I MEAN it was the first time you would appear by his side as his girl.

Yes sure you went to races with him, and you two shared selfies and all that stuff but this was different, you were the ahem FIANCÉE now and you knew it wouldn't be easier at first but you and him were ready for whatever the media brings. He always took care of you in the most imaginable ways and you were always grateful for that, showering him with affection and spoiling his British ass.

But, something was worrying you. It's Tuesday and he had some things to do, of course, but after texting you that he was already at his apartment l, and promising to call he didn't do so. And that wasn't normal, he never did something alike before which worried you the most, but you decided to ignore because maybe he was busy, he was always busy after all.

2,3,4,5,6 almost 7hours later he didn't text you or called either. You're the type of person who gets easily bothered by things, and when it came to Lew it wasn't different, so you decided to ask his friends since he wasn't answering.

Calling was the only option. And well there was only one person you were sure that could help you in that moment.

"Dan? Hey bitch!" You hear his friend Daniel aka Spinz chuckle on the other side of the line.

"Sissy bitch wassup? You do realize it's past midnight right?"confused you look at the watch hanging on the wall 01:18am WTF

" Oh My God so sorry I didn't knew. It's just I'm so worried with THOT, he doesn't answer my calls neither my texts, what's wrong? Do you saw him today?" You try to sound relaxed but it's almost impossible. (AN: For who's confused THOT stands for "That Hoe Over There" 😂 He's my hoe and I Love him😂❤)

"Oh I'm so sorry I forgot to tell you sis." he says in a guilty tone.

"Daniel! What happened??" you ask in a warning tone.

"Lewis got food poisoning." Your eyes went wide knowing how Lewis is even when have just a small irritation. Swearing to yourself you imagined the worst situations. "He was throwing up since he came back from the event. He dropped his phone somewhere but he asked me to tell you, so I'm sorry, it's my fault." Shit shit shit shit...

"I'm coming!" You breath already going upstairs to your room, to pick your luggage which was ready to fly to Paris.

"Wait, like right now?" he sounded more awake now a little bit amused.

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