Sebastian Vettel - I Love You

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Dedicated to MariGraceRose
Thank you for being the sister I always wanted to have
Thank you for listening when I cried and when I went through that rough time only you understood and never left me!
Thank you for always being here for me. I love you.

Your body shook violently out of the nightmare you were having. This was the 3rd night in a row that you suddenly woke from the fearful dream you had.
You were having weird anxiety attacks because of work and it was getting to the point where you couldn't handle anymore, so a few days back you saw a doctor and he was sure you were depressed.

You pretty much had to handle too much stuff in your life, too much stressful situations surrounding you and you had no one to talk about. Until you found Sebastian.
The German was a friend in common who fixed somehow a date and since then he has been your rock.

Because of his own personal life and his job, you two kept whatever you had on the low, and truth being said, you really never assumed what you truly had and felt for one another and It's been a year already.

Still, you were glad Sebastian never pressured you to talk about your feelings, instead he made sure you always felt comfortable and happy even when he was out for a race weekend. Ever since he found out about your issues he made you feel the most important girl in the world. At least that's how you felt whenever those blue ocean eyes meet your soul and explored your darkness with his brightness magical soul.

The sheets were so warm, and so was his body, his arm lazily but protectively wrapped around your waist, his face buried on the soft pillow just besides you, little snores escaping his plumb half open lips, his breath and heart beat calm and steady. Sebastian was such a dream for you, he was everything you always wanted in your life and you were grateful that he filled that empty space you had in your heart for so long. And on that right moment you were there slowly observing every inch of his face, every detail of that man, you knew how you truly felt and your heart jumped only in your own thoughts.

"I love you." you breathed caressing his cheek, and moving along the lines of his face. That was the first time you admitted that to him, and you felt somehow relieved and so calm after that horrible nightmare. "I love you so much Sebastian."

It somehow felt weird that it was the first time either of you had said those words. But you knew it was the right time, you loved the man who constantly saved you from your own thoughts, if it wasn't him, you didn't knew but you didn't care now. Even though he wasn't listening it was a perfect timing for you.

"I love you even more." your cheeks heat up from the sudden hazy sleepy voice. You looked up at him, watching his lazy blue eyes slightly opening, the only illumination coming from the street lamps, but now that didn't care as he watched you attentively with a side cheeky smile. You somehow felt embarrassed that he was listening to you, you didn't knew how, but his eyes digging into yours had caused that weird fear to come out again.

"Oh My God, I didn't want to wake you up, I'm sorry." you replied trying to ignore his words.

"I was already awake, love. You were having another nightmare." his husky voice rumbled through his chest, the German raising his eyebrows slightly looking at you.

"I'm okay now." you shyly smile. "Go back to sleep."

"Are you trying to ignore me?" Seb chuckled playfully watching your eyes close and you bite your lip nervously. "I've been wanting to tell you this for too long, love." he side smiled reaching your wild hair with his long fingers, watching how your body reacted to his warm touch, your eyes slightly closing and a sigh escaping your lips. "Ever since we meet, I love you ever since we meet." he breathed finding your eyes. "But I needed some balls to tell you, it was so soon and I was always afraid you wouldn't love me. Everything felt so real from the beginning, that it scared me."

"When you're broken, things don't seem real." you whispered back with a frown.

"Are you still broken? Do things not seem real right now?"

"I'm still... Broken, I do but... This feels too real, this is real and I'm just so..._"

Sebastian shuts you up smashing his lips against yours, his body lining up perfectly against your petite one holding your chin, his thumb tracing your bottom lip when he stopped to look at you.

"How did I ever survive without you all these years?" you mumbled against his lips when he pecked you, slightly smiling at your words.

"I have no idea!" he shook his head. "I'm so outstanding it must be impossible."

"Alright, there is the Sebastian Vettel Modesty ruining the moment." he laughed turning to line his body perfectly between your legs.

"I love you, YN!"

A/n: That gif😩😭💜

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