The Note

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Starfire picked up the slip of paper and read:

I'm goin to Gotham for a couple of days.

I have some issues I need to take care of.

Don't bother following me, I deactivated my locator.


"Where is this 'Gotham'?" she said to herself.  She sat down and cupped her face in her hands. Starfire would wait for the answers.

Cyborg and Beast Boy walked in, casually battling about the importance of meat. Starfire smiled, and flew over. "I wish you the good morning, friends!" They both grinned and replied "Mornin Star!" She hovered in the air, watching their eyes roll at the words of the note. "Classic Rob" Beast Boy scoffed. Cyborg nodded in agreement. "Please,"Starfire began, "Where is this 'Gotham'?"

The two stared at her in shock. "Gotham is only the most criminal infested city ever! And you know who fights them? Batman!" Beast Boy's eyes sparkled in admiration for the famous Dark Knight of Gotham. "Oh! plus Robin used to be his sidekick!" Cyborg looked at him in suspicion. BB rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled nervously. "Thank you for that, Mr. Nosy." "Um, who is this, Batman?" Cyborg sighed and began typing on his arm. It immediately pulled up an article that showed a cowled man dressed in black with pointy bat ears on his head. To his right stood a small boy standing in a heroic pose, flashing a peace sign. The resemblance was absolute. The little boy was Robin.

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