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As the days went by, crime rarely showed its dark face. A couple of lowlife thugs one day, a murderer the next. Sun up, sun down, the Titans Tower remained in its usual routine. Many video game battles were waged. And, on a bright Saturday morning, Robin returned.

Starfire sat in the kitchen, thinking of what to prepare for her breakfast, when she heard a click from the garage. She squealed in happiness. Shooting up from her seat, she flew down the stairs to tackle her friend in a bear hug. He stood his ground, and said nothing. Robin stared at his feet as he walked up the stairs, and slumped past her. "Huh?" Starfire watched him leave.  She floated to catch up with him. The Titans were waiting in the kitchen to welcome their leader, but he shuffled right past them, head bowed. The three bewildered Titans watched him slink into the shadowed hallway.

Raven's POV

As he walked past me, I saw a couple of blurred images in my mind from his. A tall, paper-white man cackled maniacally, his eyes wide and full of insane happiness. A small boy with the crazed man's look giggled psychotically, in sync to the monster of a person. Then, a girl with light red hair lay on a hospital bed, both of her legs out of the sheets, twisted and mangled, seeping blood. A man with inky black hair also lay in a hospital bed, his chiseled face contorted in pain. A teenage boy sat at his side, his blue eyes leaking tears that splattered onto the bedsheets. What happened to you, Robin?  I thought. 

Third person POV

Robin was rarely seen for a while. He only came out at night for food. The only times his friends actually talked to him was during battle. Otherwise, Robin remained an unseen shadow. One day, Starfire walked by his door on her way back from Silkie's walk. Curious, she tiptoed to the door and pressed her ear to the metal to hear...crying.     

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