Naruto | Tsundere-chan!

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N a r u t o  x  R e a d e r


Naruto was on a mission, and he was dealing with enemy ninjas who were running away. Much to his surprise, he saw those ninjas who were his target lying in the ground, lifeless. He sees a beautiful (h/l)-haired girl standing in front of them.

He was mesmerized for a second, totally captured by the girl's presence, even forgetting about the mission on-hand.

Before he was even about to get down from the tree branch he was standing on, the girl quickly turned to him and stepped back, putting on a fighting stance.

Naruto dropped hard when he saw who the girl was.

"E-ehhhhhh?!?, (Y/N)-chan, what the hell are you doing here? More importantly, those are my targets! You took them down so quickly when even I were having a hard time on them?!"

"Oh, it's just you, idiot. I thought you were an enemy, so don't sneak up on me like that. Besides, I'm not weak like you! These guys were easy as-"

"I'm not weak! I even thought you were a beautiful nee-chan for a second there, but I was disappointed to see your face when you turned around!"

"What the hell did you-"

Your argument was cut off when a kunai knife was thrown in your direction. It almost hit you, but Naruto instantly got in front of you as a shield, but tripped on one of the dead bodies of the ninja you killed earlier. This caused both of you to fall on the ground.

Not only that, but Naruto was lying on top of you, and you were shocked to feel and see his lips pressed against yours.

Your whole face turned red, and immediately pushed him over.

You can't get over the fact that you just had your first kiss with your long-time frenemy (still, you guys were bestfriends), and long-time crush.

"Hey stupid! This is not the time to get all flustered, there are enemies around, let's go!" and he then grabbed your wrist and you both ran, still, you weren't in your right mind.

'T-This idiot! Did he just call me stupid?! How is he even this calm!'

You both stopped since you had no choice but to fight, and Naruto already was fighting with his shadow clones.

And you, well, you were still lost in your thoughts, your mind was spiralling and-

"You shouldn't doze off like that, you're mine now!" the enemy ninja was charging straight at you.

"(Y/N)!" Naruto wasn't able to help you due to the enemies, they were quite a number of them

"Shut the hell up you weak ninja! Can't you see I'm thinking about somethin here?!" you yelled angrily as you took the enemy ninja down in one swift and strong kick.

You got back to your game and helped Naruto with the enemies.

"Oi, stupid ninja! Get your dirty hands off my boy!" you said as you charged at all of them at once

"Eh (Y-Y/N)?" Naruto stutters in confusion

'I can't believe I fucking said that!' you said in your mind.

The fight ended and you two were safe. You two were now walking back to Konohagakure.

"Hmmmm but something you said earlier reaaally is troubling me, I forgot what it is though" Naruto said with his hand in his chin.

'I'm sooo lucky he's stupid. Can't let the cat out of the bag.' you sighed

But you weren't sure if you were alright with this. You practically confessed to him while you were both fighting, though it was half-assed and he really didn't get that. It was an accident too.

'But still....'

You and him were walking side to side, and Naruto was still going on about that story like an idiot. You then decreased the distance between you two, leaned in closer and grabbed his head facing it to you.

You smashed your lips into his.

Naruto was utterly shocked, he was all flustered but passionately returned the kiss.

It was a short but sweet kiss.

"W-What was that for, stupid (Y/N)!?" Naruto's face is turning red.

"L-Look who's talking, stupid!"

"I-I'm j-just giving myself a proper first kiss, idiot" you mumble in your breath

"Haaah?! I can't hear what you're saying!"

"I love you, moron!" you yell and then close your eyes, knowing he didn't like you back.

"Heh. I never thought I would receive a confession from the girl I like so much." he said with a huge grin


"At least that makes it easy! It was pretty difficult for me to confess to you, I mean, I tried many times but you always turn me down before I even confess, Tsundere-chan"

"Tsundere?!? Who?! You stupid idiot, get your ass back here!"

"I don't wanna! But I love you so-"

As soon as he stopped running, you punched him straight in the face.


Yoooo. I just thought of this while I was lost in my train of thoughts, it's been hanging around my drafts for a while and I decided to publish it just now. So here ya go! Hoped you liked it! I'll make ones for other characters later on. You can send me requests, too! I'll write em

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