Neji | Our destiny

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N e j i x R e a d e r

Oh my god that title is so good, it's perfect right?!~ *cough cough* okay so I'm bad at making titles. For a Neji fanfic, that was sooo fucking cliche. Bear with me, please read the story


The Hyuuga remained silent as he sat comfortably on a tree branch, watching you from afar.

You were too focused on your training that you hadn't noticed him, though he had been there for quite a few hours now.

Damn it.

You gritted your teeth as you punched the hard wood with all your strength.


You felt a presence behind you.

Oh god, he's here. I can't believe I didn't notice 'til now! Should I just joke it off and go like, "yeah just playin' around and-"

"You're bleeding."


Dammit, I'm not doing anything this is so awkward!
A/N: me on a daily basis

"Ah, yeah! I mean- nah, this is nothing it's just-"

Neji gave you a looong sigh.

"(y/n), if something is bothering you, you should just tell me. Not train yourself to death. You're already strong enough."

"Yeah, strong enough to knock you out if you don't mind your own business." you mumbled under your breath.

"I heard that." he gave you another sigh.

You gave a bit of a fake laugh, "Haha, it's just.... I can't tell you everything.. Ya know?"

"What do you mean? We've been best friends for like all our lives. You literally tell me everything... I just... Look, I know something is really bothering you, and for you to not talk about it, it's just not normal. And I don't want to see you troubled." he smiled at you softly.

"Yeah." you gave him a weak smile as the both of you just sat down on a bench, with him bandaging your hand. "It's just..."

Should I tell him? Oh my god he just said we've been best friends all our lives. Did he meant he wanted to stay that way like, for the rest of it? Damn loving your best friend is so not cool. Yeah I'm stupid. I mean NaruSaku never fucking happened, they're just bestfriends, so yeah, that means I shouldn't-

"(y/n)? You're really not okay are you. Just tell me." he says with concern

"Well... Enough about me! Haha, it's nothing really. I mean, let's talk about you, how's it going with your fiance?"

Neji was a bit surprised for a moment, since he really did not want to bring that up.

"Wha- how'd you know about that?"

"Are you crazy? Like, everybody knows. You think I'd miss out on Konoha drama?" you said like as a matter of fact-ly

He was silent. He did not want to talk about that- especially to you. He didn't even expect you to know.

"How come you didn't talk about this with me? Or are you the type who keeps his love life to himself, and doesn't even tell his bestest fucking friend for life? I'm sad, Neji." you said while pouting.

"Haha, it really wasn't worth talking about, really..."

"I was waiting for you to tell it to me yourself. I've literally known you for- wait. How come you never talk about these things with me?!" the biggest realization just hit you.

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