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I dropped the cigarette and stepped on it.

I got back in the car and turned the engine on.


"yes sunshine?" "Why you leave me in car?" It hurt me. I couldn't stand to make her upset.

It's only been me and her for 3 years now.

She cried , I cried

She laughed , I laughed

She smiled , I smiled

She frowned , I frowned

shes my backbone and I was hers. "Mama?" "Oh yes baby. I was doing something. Did something happen when I was gone?" I looked back at her. I had to see if she was lying to me or not.

"Nope." She said popping the "p." "I miss you." She did her famous smile. That smile when she smiled ear to ear. Just like her father .....

ugh. Her father.

"We'll I missed you too. You ready to go sleepy time when we get home?" I reached back her a tickled her little stomach.

"Ha ha mama stop ! I tickle!" I stopped and turned back around to head home.

About 10 minutes in to the ride home , I looked into the mirror and saw my little sweet angle sleeping.It reminded me of when I would wake Harry sleep in the mornings.

~ flashback

my head was laying right next to his as he slept so peacefully.

His lips carved into a smile every now and then. I wonder what's hes dreaming about?

I just watched intensively as the moonlight shined through the window glistening on his beautiful skin.

I listened to him breathing. It was very clear since it was silent. So silent you could hear a pin drop.

caressed his soft chocolate curls so delicately as if he would break.

It was literally the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

Harry moved his head around and fluttered his eyes open. I quickly closed mine to it seem like I was sleep. I felt Harry's soft lips touch my forehead. I smiled. I felt the bed sink so I patted his side. He wasn't there. I opened my eyes to see almost naked harry entering the bathroom. I stretch to make it seem like I just woke up. "Hazza?" "Oh I'm sorry baby. Did I wake you?" "No, it's fine. Quick question what were you dreaming about?"

I heard the toilet flush and then the light switch turning off. "You really wanna know." "Yes." "You really really wanna know?" "Yeah hazza!" "You really really really wanna know?" "You know what? Never mind!"

I felt the bed sink again. Hazza was back. He grabbed my waist and snuggled his chin into the creak of my neck.

I was dreaming about a girl. With brunet hair. We were actually running away. To get married. We ran and ran and ran to a far church. Far away from our parents."

"I get it harry. You were getting married to a stupid bitch."

"Now hold up now baby. I wouldn't want you to call yourself a stupid bitch."

He let go of me and turned the other way.

~ end of flashback

I couldn't help but let a couple tears fall. I didn't bother wiping them away.

I miss Hazza. But I don't miss what he done to me. He abandoned me and his child. And never called, text me or nothing since then. It's not like my number changed , so there wasn't an excuse why he could get in touch.

"Mama?" Oh god. I woke her up.

I tried to wipe my tears away as quick as possible but I was not use. "you cry mama?" "No baby. Mamas fine. Go back to sleep." "No! Mama don cry! I wove you!"My little angle.

"Thank you angle. You made mama feel better."

"You welcome mama." And she drifted back to sleep.

We arrived home about 15 minutes after she woke up. It was very dark outside, since it was nighttime. But the light from my apartment building helped a little.

I unbuckled Ema out her car seat trying my best not to wake her. I picked her up and her arms went automatically around my neck. I got my keys out my purse and opened the door.

"Home sweet home....." I turned the light on to my small Apartment and put my purse down. I had to clean the dishes but I had to put Ema to bed before I do that. I walked over to out bed and laid her down. I went to grab Ema some clothes. I was pretty cold-


I was already paying alot for bills and it just slipped my mind. I grabbed Ema a long sleeve back shirt and her favorite black leggings. She wasn't impressing any one! She was sleeping for god sakes!

I took her clothes off and dressed her in the clothes I picked out. I did it as gently as possible.I tucked her into the covers and kissed her forehead. This little sunshine changed my life.

For the better ...

I silently tip toed out to the kitchen. I cleaned the dishes and while I did , the only thing in my mind was Harry. Why can't I stop thinking about that bastard ?

I got a glass of liquor to ease my stress a little. I was going through a lot since I've had Ema. Everything crossed my mind.

Especially the last time I did.... You know what!

"3 years!? What the f-" but really didn't stress. It hadn't crossed my mind. Ema was and is my main priority.I wobbled off to bed. I cuddled up with Ema . She was cold. Probably because we have no heat!

As I was drifting to sleep , I heard ema say something. "I wove you mama. Me an you. Togetha for eva."

that really touched me.

"Together forever my little angle."

I get woken Up by the sound of someone knocking on the front door.

I get up and walk to the door. "Mama?"

"I'll be back in a second sweetheart."

I go to the door and look out the peep hole. Rashon...

I open the door and rashons smiling eat to ear holding a bag. "Hey Rashon"

Instead of a "hi back" he pulls me to him and kisses me . Tongue and the whole nine. He pulled away with both of us panting.

"hey "

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