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Your Not Welcomed


Works boring.

I do the same thing everyday and that's exactly ...... Nothing. But I need the money.

I'm not like Morgans gold diggin ass who uses Harry for his money. Nope that's not me.

I sit on a stool at the cash register and play this game on my phone, candy crush. This is like the only time of the day where I can play it, since my boss has a big "no phones during work hour" policy. I scroll the blue candy down when I feel a light tap on my shoulder.

I look to my right where it was coming from and see that girl who was staring at me was standing there.

Remember her?

The creep?

Yeah that's the one.

"Um hey! My names Christiana and I see your new here?" I bit my bottom lip and nod my head up and down. This girl, Christiana was it? She was drop dead gorgeous. What is she doing working at Starbucks? She should be working at Victoria secrets or at least a model!

"I'm Taylor." I say trying the end the silent awkwardness between us. "When's your lunch break?" I look down and grab my phone out my pocket to check the time. "In about a hour. What about you?" "Mines now, and yours is too." She takes my arm and pulls me from my seat. "My breaks not unt-"

"Lisa! Take Taylor's shift for me! Will be back in a few." She yelled over the counter. We were out of Starbucks and Christiana was leading me to a black jeep.

What is she doing working at Starbucks!? "Get in." She says closing the door to the drivers seat. I don't hesitate to accept that kind offer.

She puts the key in the engine but doesn't start the car. Just looks at me.

"Yes?" I say not trying to be rude, but to snap her out of her trance. "Oh sorry Hun. Just thinking of where to have lunch. Any ideas?"

I think about it. I was really in the mood for some ..... Pizza.

"Pizza?" She stares at me one last time before speeding off.

Wow, this girl really likes staring.

I sit there in the booth across from Christiana as I watch her when pours hot sauce all over her pizza and takes off the pepperoni. She holds it up to her mouth and takes a big bite.

"So tell me about yourself." She says with her mouth stuffed with food.

"Um, I have a 3 year old daughter and I'm a single mother." I wasn't going to tell her who my baby father was. I didn't need my business out there. Especially that.

"You look Young! How old were you when you had her!?" I lower my head and whisper the answer. "No need to be ashamed in it."

The fuck? How she hear me? She took her hand into mine and said something that would always stick with me.

"Everything happens for a reason. Trust me." she smiled widely and took another piece of her pizza. "So wheres your daughters father at?"

DING DING DING! The one question I didn't want her to ask she does..... Yay me!

"Let's just say, he put other unnecessary things before his family." I took a bit of my pizza.

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