Scene 9 to 11 The Betrayal

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Brigid is deep in thought as she wanders along the riverbank.



HAMISH (O.S.) (scared): Lachlan! Lachlan!

Brigid runs. She rounds a bend in the river to see Hamish on his stomach, reaching into the river.


Brigid rushes to the edge, throws herself down and searches the water desperately.

BRIGID: Lachie! Lachie!

LACHLAN (O.S): What?

Brigid snaps her head round to see Lachlan standing behind her, smirking. He is bone dry. Hamish dissolves into hysterics and Lachlan joins him. Brigid stares at them.

LACHLAN: We saw ... you ... coming!

HAMISH: The look on your face! ... Fantastic!

Brigid bursts into tears and runs into the trees.

HAMISH: Jeez! She just can't take a joke, can she?

Lachlan begins to go after her but Hamish grabs his arm.

HAMISH: Let her calm down.

Lachlan hesitates but goes after his sister.


Sobbing deeply, Brigid stomps down the forested hillside. 

She trips on an exposed root and falls heavily to the ground. She pushes herself up and finds that she has turned her ankle painfully. She twists to sit on the ground and buries her head on her arms and gives in to the tears. 

She reaches for her pendant for comfort only to find it missing. Her tears subside and anger fills her body. She heaves herself up, ignoring the pain in her ankle, and heads off in another direction. 


Brigid storms through the trees and drops to her knees by the edge of the pool. She peers into the water but cannot see for the splashing of the spring. She plunges her hand into the pool and begins to feel around. 

UNDER THE WATER, her hand gropes around, stirring up the treasures until, at last, it grasps the pendant. 

Brigid pulls her hand from the water and puts the necklace round her neck, fumbling a little with the clasp. 

BRIGID: They can pay for their own stupid water! 

She pulls the pendant around on its chain and pats it into place between her collarbones. 

BRIGID (louder, testing the silence): Do you hear me?! (almost a scream) They can both SUFFER! 

Her shout echoes loudly throughout the forest. Startled by the sound, Brigid is suddenly bashful. She reaches for her pendant and is instantly soothed as she fiddles with it. At a loss, she sits on a nearby rock and rubs her ankle. 

LACHLAN (O.S.): You okay? 

Brigid shrugs as Lachlan crosses the glade and sits beside her. 

BRIGID: Turned my ankle. 

LACHLAN: I'm sorry. It seemed funny at first. 

BRIGID: Yeah well, it wasn't. 

LACHLAN: I know. I didn't think. 

Brigid meets her brother's concerned gaze and gives him a grudging smile. A large raindrop lands heavily on Brigid's nose. She wipes the water off and holds a hand out as more drops fall from the sky. 

BRIGID: Great. 

Lachlan stands and offers a hand to Brigid. 

LACHLAN: Come on. Lean on me. 

Brigid takes his hand to stand then shrugs him off. 

BRIGID: It's not that bad. 

They set off back toward the house, Brigid limping slightly and Lachlan walking close - just in case.

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