Chapter 5

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Kassidy POV

The morning after Kaylee stayed the night was a Monday. Kaylee and I both got up and ready. Once I came out of the bathroom from showering and getting dressed I went downstairs to start breakfast. A minute later Kaylee came down from the guest bathroom. "So Kaylee is it Pancakes or Waffles this morning?" I asked holding a box of each mix. "How about waffles." She replied pointing to the box of waffle mix. After I got done fixing the waffles I put the extra in the fridge for Mom and Dad. "Your waffles ma lady." I said doing a bow as I placed the plate of waffles infront of her. "Why thank you kind woman." She replied back. Once we were both done we went and hopped in my car turning on Star1021. Once we got to school we were greeted by Layla one of our best friends and Seths Imprint.

Layla is a year younger then us so we don't ever see her at school, besides at lunch and in the mornings. Once we hopped out Layla greeted us will a big hug each."I'm so glad to see you all again." She said full of happiness. "Layla you just saw us Friday." Kaylee said rolling her eyes, as we all walked to the cafateria.

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