Chapter 6

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Kassidy POV

After school Kaylee, Layla, and I decided to hangout with my mom's family. The family absolutly loves them. Once we got to the house we decided to watch a movie. "So girls what movie to watch?" I asked as I took my spot on the couch. "How about The Avengers ?" Layla asked. "Totally Chris Hemsworth is sooo hot."Kaylee said as she popped the movie in the Blueray Player. About halfway the movie Uncle Emmett and Uncle Jasper come in from hunting. "So where is everyone else ?" I ask as Uncle Em plops down next to me. "Belle and Edward are at the cottage. Carsile and Esme are hunting, and Rose and Alice shouldd be in anytime now." He replies not taking his eyes from the TV screen. Right as he says it Alice and Rose come in. "Watching the Avengers are we ?" Rose mocks as she sits down next to Em. For the next few hours we all just sit around and watch movies as the rest of the family shows up. As we were all getting ready to watch a new movie Aunt Alice start's a vision.

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