What He Does For You When You're On Your Period

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JJ - He rubs your stomach, refills your hot water bottle every time it needs it, gives you massages all day and does anything that you want him to. He doesn't mention anything about sex, like he usually would

Vik - He does everything for you and does anything that you want to. At the end of your day, he runs you a bath with lavender bubble bath and rose petals. He gets in the bath with you and let's you lie on him, whilst he rubs your stomach

Josh - He buys you all your favorite food that you usually have whilst on your period. He makes you lie on him, whilst watching your favorite film and he rubs your stomach. At the end of your day, you're both laid in bed and he rubs your stomach and traces patterns on your stomach which sends you to sleep

Ethan - He just becomes a big, cuddly teddy bear and gives you massages all day. These are those kinds of days where you two spend all day cuddling and watching films. It's at these times you realize just how much he loves you and everything that he would do for you

Tobi - He gives you anything you want. You two spend all day playing random games and quizzes whilst laid on the bed/sofa, cuddling, him rubbing your stomach to stop it from hurting as much

Simon - He will spoil you rotten, buying you sweets and food and if you have an accident on the sheets, he will not mention it, he will wash the sheets and change them as many times as he needs to. You spend all day either playing Family Guy games on the XBox, laid on the sofa or coming up with random questions to ask each other whilst laid in bed, with him rubbing your stomach, which always leads to you falling asleep in his arms

Harry - He will cook anything that you want him to and makes sure that you stay laid on the sofa watching TV. After eating, he will get yours and his favorite ice cream flavour, two spoons and you get into bed and watch loads of films, whilst eating ice cream and cuddling. At the end of the day, he will spoon you whilst tracing patterns on your stomach which lulls you to sleep

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