How You Meet

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JJ - You were both at Nando's and the waiter had got your orders mixed up. When he sees you, he says that you are very cute and just his type, so he asks you for your number, you exchange numbers

Vik - You are with your friends at a local park, playing Pokémon Go and you happen to catch a Squirtle and you hear a voice say "For fuck sake! That's the fourth time today!" Then you hear, who you assume, are his friends, laughing. You say "I'm sorry, I didn't know that you were going for that." He looks up at who had said that and he is shocked. He says "I forgive you cause finding a girl as beautiful as you is a good apology, the only thing that would make it better is if you give me your number and agree to go out on a date with me." You look shocked, so does his friends but you say "Thanks for the compliment, cutie. I'll give you my number and I'll definitely go on a date with you." One of his friends shouts "Get in there Vik!" You say "So cutie, your name is Vik, well mines y/n." He says "Good to meet you y/n."

Josh - You and your friends were at the local football park, hanging around waiting for another friend but you were checking out the bearded guy that was with his friends, playing football. Your friends noticed because one of them said "Just go over there and talk to him or stop staring at him." You said "I'm not staring at him!" They scoffed and said "Sure you aren't." You said "I'm not!" Then one of your more louder mouthed friends shouted "OI BEARDED GUY PLAYING FOOTBALL!" He looked over, confused. The same friend shouted "MY FRIEND HERE KEEPS CHECKING YOU OUT! GET OVER HERE AND TALK TO HER CAUSE SHE DON'T WANNA COME OVER THERE!" Whilst pointing at you. All of the guys he was with started smiling and said "Get in there bro!" As the bearded guy was walking over. He came over and stuck his hand out and said "Hey there, gorgeous girl that was checking me out, I'm Josh." You blushed, shaking his hand and said "Thanks, I'm y/n." He said "Gorgeous name for an equally gorgeous girl. May I have your number?" You say, stuttering "Y-yeah, you c-can have m-my number." He smiled and said "Aww, cute, you're nervous." You blush even more but you both smile at each other and exchange numbers

Ethan - You were at Costa and ordered a mocha with caramel and chocolate. When the drink was called, you and a ginger haired man walked up to the counter and when you both got there, the man said "You take it, I'll let you cause you're pretty, I'll get another one but only if you give me your number, pretty girl I don't know the name of." You were shocked but said "Thanks. I'll give you my number if you tell me your name and agree to sit with me, so I can get to know you. My name is y/n." He said "Your welcome. My name is Ethan and I'll happily sit with you and get to know each other" You both sat down, got to know each other and when you both had to go, you exchanged numbers

Tobi - You were walking past him and his friends. You heard his friends teasing him about not having a girlfriend. You were about to walk past but his friends stopped you and started flirting with you but you wasn't interested. You saw Tobi sat on his own and you walk over to him and sit next to him. You talk to each other and find out that you actually have a lot in common. He says "Well y/n, I say we give each other our numbers. Would you like to go on a date with me?" You say "Yeah, let's. Of course I'd love to go on a date with you." You smile at each other and exchange numbers

Simon - You were at Insomnia. You weren't watching where you was walking and you bumped into someone, spilling your drink onto their white T-shirt. You look up and realize it's Miniminter from the Sidemen. You say "Oh, my God! I'm so sorry, I weren't looking where I was walking! I'll pay for your top." He says "No, don't worry about it because an angel like you shouldn't pay. I'm Simon. What's your name, angel? " You say "My name is y/n." He says "An angelic name for an equally angelic girl. Will you give me your number?" You blush and smile at each other. You say "Of course I'll give you my number. As long as you take me out on a date"He says " It'd be my pleasure." You exchange numbers

Harry - You were walking along, heading to meet one of your friends. You were listening to music with the volume blaring, bobbing your head along and whipping your head from side to side. You weren't looking where you were going and bump into somebody. You look up and see a cute guy, staring at you with interest sparkling in his eyes. The cute guy says "I was loving the head bobs and head whips. You're adorable. I'm Harry. What's your name?" You say, stuttering "Thanks, m-my n-name is y/n." He says "An adorable name for an equally adorable girl." You blush and he says "Well, y/n, can I have your number and would you like to go on a date with me?" You say "Of course you can have my number, I would love to go on a date with you." You smile at each other and exchange numbers

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