How He Asks You Out

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JJ - You go to Nando's with him and the rest of the guys and he asks you out outside Nando's as everyone was leaving

Vik - He makes a video full of different signs with reasons that he likes you and has the other guys read them and he sits you and the other guys down to watch it

Josh - He leaves post it notes around the house with instructions and a clue on every one and it leads to him in the garden stood by a table that has a candlelit dinner and he asks you as you guys are sat down talking

Ethan - He takes you out to see a film at the cinema as friends. Halfway through the film, he casually just drops the question

Tobi - You go shopping with him and as you are sat down eating lunch at KFC, he asks you out

Simon - You're recording a FIFA video with him and he asks you out at halftime

Harry - You go to see Stormzy in concert. When the second half of the concert starts, you go to tell Harry something but you find that he isn't there. You then hear his voice and he's on stage. He asks you out in front of half a million people at a Stormzy concert that is being recorded to go on DVD

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