More Memories

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Sam sobbed for what it seemed like an eternity but was probably about ten minutes. Lucie was really worried for her. She'd never ever seen Samantha this sad. After all the worst thing that could happen to her was getting a 70 on a quiz. Which never happened. Samantha's breathing slowered, and she pushed the rest of the oncoming tears away. "I'm sorry," she began. "Don't be sorry Sammy let's just go home and get you feeling better." This idea sounded lovely. But Sam wondered how on earth she could feel better. When they arrived at Sam's house, Lucie had already made her way to the pantry getting every once of junk food, chocolate, and candy out to bring into the living to eat. "Wanna watch a movie?" Lucie asked walking towards the couch that had sad little Samantha sprawled across it. "Don't have any," she mumbled into the pillow. "Okay, I'll go get some. I'll be right back." It was true, she would be right back. They were neighbors. Sam remembers in fourth grade when she saw all the moving vans pulling into the driveway right across the street. She asked her mom multiple times, "Mom are they going to have a girl my age?" Sure enough they did. That girl became her partner in crime; someone who was always there. And as much as she didn't want any self pity she let Lucie try to help just like a bestfriend would. In about 5 minutes she came back with the movie. One of the paranormal actives. Sam sat up at the sight of the title flashing across the T.V. screen as Lucie popped in. "No, no, no." she whispered. "What darlin'?"

Lucie often used vocabulary that wasn't common which made her unique and fun to talk to. "I've already seen this, with Aar," Sam chocked out. "Okay, then what do you want to do that doesn't involve him." Samantha sat there digging into one of the bags of chips. "I don't know.. everything reminds me of him.," she pointed to the door "that's where he first meet my parents," then she pointed to the couch "this is where we first snuggled," finally she pointed to the kitchen "one time him and I tried dipping strawberries in sugar and it was so good so he always brought be that when I was stressed." Lucie couldn't help but get upset herself. She even remembered getting all the cute texts from Sam that told about all the dates and what they did. Lucie was in fact infuriated. How could Aaron do this to her? She knew she was going to do something about it but not tell Sam. That'll only make it worse. So she just stayed quiet.

For the rest of the afternoon Lucie watched Sam let out her emotion, through story, or even just crying. "Sam my shift starts at UNOs in like 20 minutes, are you good?" Lucie asked.

"I'm fine I'll probably just order pizza and go to bed. I have an early shift tomorrow too." Sam sighed standing up to hug Lucie. As they hugged Sam thanked Lucie for everything. "No problem Sammy. Text me if you need anything. Love you!" And with that she was gone. Normally on Friday nights Aaron would talk Sam to UNOs to torment Lucie. Sam knew she had to stop thinking about him. But how?

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