Wattpad Original

Original Edition - Tip 16: Don't be Surprised

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Where the hell is Jasmine?

Shall we get you caught up? Basically, It's Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday-shut up. Sometimes you just need to shut down your inner HSM.

(High School Musical for you people who are clueless and deserve a smack in the face since you didn't watch it. Watch it so that you can develop high and false expectations of high school!)

In this case, I must shut down my inner Rebecca Black. Don't judge me! Y'all were singing that nasally song too when you read that. If you can't admit to that, you are all sitting on a throne of lies.

Anyways, I walked on the pitiful coals of flaming torture while enduring the pain of mental suffering on this very day-which happens to be Friday. It was horrid, really. I encountered strange beings with no sense of normality or common sense. I fought off countless objects being targeted at my body. I barely survived.

Translation from Lara Language to Normal English: Yeah, so I went to school.

I check my watch, 3:00. The bus comes at 3:05 and Jasmine still isn't here yet! She's going to miss the bus. Right now, I'm waiting at our beloved bus stop, the one that Jas and I always take together to the mall when we meet the others. I pull out my phone to text her.

Me: Jas, where are you??? The bus is coming!!!

Jasmine: Oh it's okay. I'll just meet you at the theatre.

Me: What? You're not coming with me?

Jasmine: Lol. Don't freak. I'll meet you there. Bye.

Me: See ya.

Well then. I don't believe there has been a time where Jasmine has ditched me last minute. She's always been the one about schedules and organization and stuff. She's basically our agenda person in the friend group and the opposite of me.

I remember in elementary school, I'd never remember the homework nor would I write it down. I'd just go straight home and call her house to ask her what the work was. In the eighth grade, she told me to be "independent" because we might not get classes together in high school. I thought that would be impossible. But guess who knew nobody in any of her classes that first semester?

Me. I was alone. Worst of all, I had to learn to be responsible.

While I am messy and dizzy with garbage in my room, she's a neat freak who gets super pissed when something is out of place or off schedule. So yes, it is quite surprising of her to break our freaking schedule!

I am contemplating about this pathetic game called life as the bus stops right in front of me and the doors open. I swipe my Presto card and walk into the bus. Almost immediately as I got on, the bus speeds away, causing me to fall onto a seat.

Luckily it was empty.

After a few minutes, we're in the heart of downtown Toronto. Everyone is crowding everywhere. There are so many people walking along the streets, getting ready for an amazing Friday night. The bus stops and I thank the driver as I get off.

Most people are wearing their Blue Jays jerseys, and lining up in front of the box office at The Rogers Center. It's been such a great season. I look at the people and low-key wish that I had tickets to the game. I'd much rather see the game than go shopping. Not that I hate shopping though.

I walk towards the mall and enter. It's a socially awkward person's worst nightmare.


And hundreds of them too.

Fine, I see people everyday at school and stuff. But the mall? Oh gosh, this is where you awkwardly run into people you don't like while looking like you just got ran over by a Fed-Ex truck. This is the reason why I only go to the mall once a month if I can.

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