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WHEN I was a kid, I never really cared for the herbivores. I didn't think that they were as exciting as the carnivores, who would get into vicious fights, or the omnivores, who could eat whatever they wanted. Herbivores were the sweet little guys who ate plants.

I didn't realize how wrong I was.

The first thing I see is a trio of horns. They protrude from a face with soft eyes and an elongated nose. They rest of the body is stout with thick muscle.

Triceratops. I'm inches away from a real triceratops.

It pushes itself out of its restful position, letting out a bellow of greeting. 

Gray laughs with delight. "This is awesome!"

"Yeah it is!" Zach agrees. I can hear a smile in his voice. "Oh, man."

I'm unable to answer them. I'm looking at stegosaurs, with long graceful necks and sleepy gazes. They calmly walk in the warm sun, slowly blinking in bliss.

We drive right beside one dinosaur, mere centimeters from its rough skin. I can see the lines and folds of its body in perfect detail, something looking at pictures in books could never properly provide.

It's terrifying and mesmerizing and nerve-wracking and amazing all at once. I wonder if they are used to people by now, like most animals in the zoo are? Do they care that we're here?

Their massive size thrills me. With every lumbering step they take beside our little Gyrosphere, I fight a flinch at the thought of their feet crushing us. We are so small. They don't seem to mind, though, or even notice. They continue about their business like we're no trouble to host.

It's easily one of the most incredible things I have ever seen.

"Due to technical difficulties, all our exhibits are closed. Disembark all rides and return-"

I snap out of my dino-daze. "What?" I glare at the little screen between my legs, which shows Jimmy Fallon freaking out behind 'RIDE CLOSED.'

Gray huffs, crossing his arms. I know how he feels. We just found the dinosaurs, and now we have to leave them? It feels like a cruel joke.

It's so peaceful here. I don't want to leave yet.

I guess Zach is thinking the same thing. Or maybe he's just trying to make up for being such an ass earlier. "Hey, no, we can stay out a couple more minutes," he assures Gray. "C'mon, don't get like that."

Gray peers at the two of us with uncertain eyes. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, totally." He shoves the Gyrosphere forward slightly, causing me to brace myself on his knee. He smirks. "You okay, Jonelle?"

"Of course," I scoff.

Thankfully, Gray cuts in again to save me from getting flustered. "But they said the ride was closed," he protests. "I don't want to get in trouble, Zach."

Zach rolls his eyes. "Don't be such a-"

"Your Aunt Claire gave us special wristbands, remember?" I cut off whatever Zach was going to say – more than likely something that wouldn't be good advice for Gray to follow at his young and impressionable age. "That means we're VIP. So if we want to stay out a little longer, we can."

"But are you-"

"Gray, do you want to keep looking at the dinosaurs or not?" Zach interjects impatiently.

Gray frowns. "I do."

Zach smiles. "Then let's stay out. It'll be fun."

As soon as he says that, chaos erupts outside the safety of the Gyrosphere. The dinosaurs have started to gallop – it's probably their version of a run, but their four legs make it seem like a hastened trot – and are rushing past us. My fear of getting trampled suddenly becomes a little too real.

Without thinking, my hand slams down on top of Zach's and thrusts the Gyrosphere forward at top speed. Gray lets out a yell, bracing his hands against the sides of the sphere.

Naturally, Zach is laughing at me. He steers us in between some of the dinosaurs' legs, causing me to scream and shut my eyes.

"How can you see where you're going if your eyes are closed?" He teases.

"I'm trusting you – but I don't know why!" I yelp over the resounding groans of the dinosaurs rushing around us. 

"We're gonna get crushed; we're gonna get crushed; we're gonna get crushed!" Gray chants.

Zach's laughter has reached a new volume, like he can't control his happiness. "No we're not! Look, you big babies!" He places his other hand on mine and slows the Gyrosphere.

"Whoa," Gray breathes beside me.

I still won't open my eyes.

"Jonelle," Zach whispers against my ear. His closeness, the warmth of his breath on my cheek, causes me to shudder.

I grit my teeth. "What do you want?"

"Open your eyes."

"Negative, Ghostrider. I do not want to see us get stomped on."

"You won't," he promises. "Just... open them. Trust me."

Against my better judgement, I open my eyes.

We're at the top of a hill, looking out over an extension of the grassy valley. There are even more dinosaurs here, all appearing as small as the plastic toys in the gift shops. They're sun bathing and snacking and roaming their home.

"Oh my gosh," I breathe. There's not a word accurate enough to describe the beauty and awesomeness as the sight.

Zach ruins it. "Told you, you big baby." He bumps me with his shoulder and sends me knocking into Gray.

"Ouch!" Gray rubs his arm.

"Sorry, bud – hey!" I shriek as I'm pushed back against Zach. "We are not playing foosball with my body, people!"

It's like they don't hear me. They keep jerking me back and forth. Why am I friends with them again?

It's when Gray uses nearly all his body weight to dump me into Zach that everything goes wrong.
"Guys, stop-" I'm shouting when Gray hits me in just the right spot. My body jumps and the seatbelt comes loose; I catapult onto Zach's side of the Gyrosphere.

Pro: I'm partially in Zach's lap.

Con: My foot hit the steering stick and we're now rocketing down a hill at top speed with lots of dinosaurs around us.

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