✒Chapter 12♥️[Original]

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Rochester, New York

8:00 p.m.

-Saturday; night-

-Saturday; night-

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As I flee the scene of my flame-filled home, I find myself looking over my shoulder every few seconds, hoping--praying that the disaster would just disappear

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As I flee the scene of my flame-filled home, I find myself looking over my shoulder every few seconds, hoping--praying that the disaster would just disappear. But the sound of sirens bouncing from ear to ear, bullets flying from the guns of crooked cops, and the sight of passing firetrucks keep forcing me to believe this is reality rather than a sick nightmare.

I look down at the locket wrapped tightly around my hand as it sits on the steering wheel. "If you ever find yourself in a sticky situation, read the words engraved on the back of your locket, they will keep you safe." I remember Simon saying just before I fled the scene.

I flip the locket around, revealing the back-side but found nothing but weird, unreadable words. What--what is this? The longer I stare at it, the more questions I have that remain unanswered. Why are people after me? Who can I trust? What really happened to my parents? Who am I? But now, thanks to this situation, here I am, driving to who-knows-where, with a head full of questions and a mind full of negative thoughts.

Flashes of Simon's final moments rush in and out of my mind, bringing tears to my eyes, the same tears I hoped would heal him as I sat by and watched him bleed out. At that moment, I didn't want to believe, but Simon wasn't going to last much longer. I couldn't do anything but make things worse. I didn't even get to say goodbye. "Damnit!" I repeatedly bang my fist against the top of the dashboard and the force of it opens the Glove Compartment, revealing it's contents. I pull the car over and slowly lean over into the passengers seat.

Within the opening of the compartment, beyond a clutter of paper and a well-conditioned owner's manual, sits a strange-looking, black book with symbols and weird writing, similar to the ones engraved on the back of my locket. Near the bottom edge a sticker sits that reads: "Property of the Daemon Society"; "Do Not Open" sat underneath it. I try opening the book but for some reason I can't, like all the pages were glued shut or something; possibly sealed by magic.

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