Chapter 1

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        "OLIVIA!!!! Time to get up!!!"

       I groaned and rolled over in my bed. It's 4:30 in the morning. My dad was up and leaving for work, and my mom was making sure I was up so I could go to swim practice.


        I instantly jumped out of bed, dropping the teal covers to the floor. My feet hit the hard linoleum and I shivered. It was the third week of November, my first week on the swim team. I had joined a week late due to lack of information and gear. I changed from gray sweatpants and teal sports-bra to a black one-piece in a matter of seconds. I threw on my jeans and my hoodie and threw my shirt, belt, and boots in my black Wrangler travel bag from my dad's rodeo days. I grabbed my teal book-bag and was out the door.

         Getting in the car and turning it on, I had forgotten to throw cans in the trunk. I got out of the car and stepped into the rain, luckily the car was parked on asphalt so I didn't have to worry about puddles in my bare feet. Which I had realized I had forgotten to cover with shoes in my rush to get out the door. Oh well.

        I rushed to the shop. The old, built out of garage door, falling apart, shop. I grabbed two large garbage bags which were filled with cans and ran back to my mom's car in a full on sprint. On my way back to the car I tripped over a roll of barbed wire.

        Just my luck.

        I groaned as I pushed myself to my feet. Great, now all I need is a torn shirt to go with my torn jeans and bloody leg. I grabbed the bags and threw them in the trunk of my mom's 2005 red Nissan Sentra (which wasn't as much of a piece of shit I thought it was). I sighed and got into the passenger seat. I checked the clock on my phone.

        5:45 a.m.

        Great. My mom still isn't in the car. We're gonna be late. I looked out the window towards the door. My dad was headed out towards his truck, and my mom was just walking out.

        My mom got in the car and looked at me, "You ready?"

        "Been waiting on you," I growled quietly.

        "Okay, okay." She turned on her music and pulled out of the driveway, headed down the road. I leaned against the window and watched as the lights of White City whirled past us as we drove towards Medford.

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