Chapter 2

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        My anxiety grew as we approached the Medford Y. My fingers started to twitch with excitement and nervousness when I signed in. I told my mom to stay behind, knowing she'd most likely try to embarrass me in front of the others when I got into the pool room.

        I walked into the locker room and looked in the mirror. I sighed, seeing how depressed I looked. I didn't really realize how bad I looked until that moment. I sighed and ran my tired fingers through my short, tangled, blonde hair. I remembered making the decision to cut it back in 7th grade, then went through 8th grade with it short. I liked having it short, it wasn't much of a struggle anymore. It was just long enough to where I could pull it back. I liked it.

        I heard the locker door open and was forced back to reality. Out of fear, I ran through the showers and into the pool room.

        Instantly I was met by a wave of the smell of chlorine. The smell that kept me sane. No, I wasn't an addict, but the smell of chlorine and salt water seemed to calm me down. I smiled and took a deep breath, walking into sight of the swimmers and two adult men.

        I looked at the older one, he was taller than me, about six foot two. His hair was a light gray, and he was wearing something you'd most likely see on Steve Irwin. I chuckled, remembering watching his show as a kid. 

        I looked at the other one, he was about five foot nine, bald, and had facial hair. His green eyes were covered with glasses. He was barking orders at some swimmers in the third and fourth lane.

        I walked around the far side of the pool, setting my towel on the bench, which was covered with people's bags and towels and clothes. I looked at the older man, he smiled and waved me over.

        "Hi!" He smiled a happy smile at me.

        "Hi." I replied, rubbing the back of my neck with my hand. 

        "I'm Mark Springs." He held out his hand, I shook his hand, awkwardness filled the air around me, "So first year swimmers are in the first and second lanes, the second, third, and fourth years are in the third and fourth lanes." He looked at the other coach, who was talking to a semi muscular, pale kid. The kid was listening and nodding to whatever the coach was telling him. His blue goggles concealed his eyes, which was something that bothered me. The kid's hair was concealed by a black swim cap that read "Crater" in bold, white letters and had an orange stripe running beneath it.

        "Over there is Todd Carls. He's also a teacher at Crater." he looked back at me, "So if you need something, just let one of us know."

        I looked at Mark, "Okay, do you have a spare set of goggles and maybe a cap?" I laughed.

        He pointed me in the direction of a short, skinny, brunette who was sitting on the bench, "I bet if you ask her she'll let you use hers until you get a pair of goggles. As for the cap," he took one out of his bag and handed it to me, "Here."

        I took it from his hands, but with my butterfingers I dropped it onto the pool deck. It made a slapping noise on the plastic part, which echoed in the large pool room. The other coach and the kid looked at me. I smiled awkwardly and picked it up, looking down to the cap in my hands as i took it out of its package.

        I walked over to the brunette girl and looked at her, "Hi."

        "Hey!" The girl looked at me.

        "What's your name?" I smiled.

        "Kassidy. How about you?"


        "Well hi Olivia, I'm Kassidy. It's nice to meet you."

        "You too." I smiled, "Uh, Mark said I could ask if I could borrow a set of goggles?"

        "Oh yeah! I won't be swimming for another week so I need them back by then, okay?" She took out a pair of pink and green goggles and handed them to me.

        "Definitely!" I smiled, "Thanks!"

        "No problem." She smiled at me, I think I may have just made a friend.

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