June 23rd, 2017

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I have recently deleted all of the messages from Evan. Not because I wanted to but my friend was getting a her phone in a week since it was getting fixed and I offered my old phone for the meantime; the phone that I had all my messages with Evan. I didn't want her to snoop and see them so I deleted them all.
December 12th, 2015 was the day we stopped talking. Evan always had the stupid habit of breaking his phones so he would constantly get new ones. I believed he just left me because he was done with me. What else was I supposed to think?
Late March I sent him a kik since I figured his phone number was probably not the same one anymore.
The kik message said something along the lines of how I miss him, wish he's doing okay, and a goodbye. For closure. Kik sent back the message of "It looks like this user's phone has been off/disconnected. We'll send the message when they connect again."
On April 17th of 2016, out of nowhere, I got a message from him.
He apologized for leaving with no explanation but he had lost my phone number and couldn't figure out his kik password. He had no way to tell me since I never bothered to share any other social media/contact other than that.
We talked after that and he told me he meant everything he said and that he did really love me.
We slowly stopped talking again.
It was weird. The first few weeks it was like old times and if the other did not reply for a day or two we would send the other the exact same message at midnight of "Yooooooo i guess it's my turn to say hi idunno what's up if you just didn't feel like talking anymore or if you're busy. Haha just kidding and I know it's late but I just felt like saying something to see how you are n all."
I had begun talking to someone else on May 11th, 2016 and still am. No, we aren't dating still. That's a different story all of it's own.
On May 5th, 2017 I had just gotten home from hanging out with the boy, we hang out every Saturday. I was resting. Laying down on my bed. My phone begins the ringtone sound a second before the call/decline thing appears. I knew I was getting a call but when Evan's name popped up I didn't know what to think. I answered, he asked who this was and I said my name. The conversation went a little like this.

Evan: Hello

Me: Hi

Evan: Who is this?

Me: Adelyn

Evan: Huh?

Me: Do you not remember me?

Evan: No no I just can't believe it. How are you?

Me: Good. Not being rude but why did you call?

Evan: I lost all my name contact info so I was just calling the numbers to see who they were.

The conversation went from there. We talked about him being in training for the Marines now. How our lifes are going. After 5 minutes of talking he said he needed to go since he was going out to eat with friends. He said bye and that he'll text me later on. It made me smile when he texting me a minute after. We started talking yet again. He wasn't allowed to have a phone during bootcamp. (He went home Sat-Sun and would get it back). He is a bit of a bad boy. When they collect the phones, he said he gives one that he doesn't use and keeps the one he does. The only way we talked on weekdays was when he had the chance or when it was lights out and he could text me without getting caught.
I always get my hopes up when it comes to him. I don't know why but I always figured he would be the one I would grow old with. I will always have a soft spot for him- or any other guy I get attached to because i'm just like that which sucks. We stopped talking 2 weeks after that.
It's a re-occuring thing now but it will always surprise me. I'm happy, i've been happy for the past year but a little part of me will always want him to be in my life. He's always just a text away.

Forever In LoveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang