Chapter 2

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The boy was sitting on the wall, hunched over, his phone in one hand, a cigarette in the other. As Dan walked closer, the boy looked up. He had striking blue eyes, and very pale skin which contrasted greatly with his ebony hair. The boy stood up and faced Dan.

"Who are you?" Dan had not seen him around the school before.

"I'm Phil, Phil Lester," he took a drag from his cigarette, "And you are..?"

"Dan, Dan Howell," Dan was feeling a sense of disappointment that he couldn't be alone, but he also was fascinated by this boy, Phil, who was obviously new, and bunking off his first lesson at the new school. They stared at each other for a minute. Phil sat down.

 "You can sit down if you want," Phil motioned to the space on the wall next to him. Dan was hesitant. Then Phil bent over and buried his hand into his bag, bringing out a packet of cigarettes. He held it out for Dan. "Want one?"

Dan took one and said "Thanks." He sat down next to Phil. Phil handed him a lighter and he lit his cigarette. "So... are you new?" Dan looked over at Phil. He nodded. "What you doing out here on the first day of school?"

"I just didn't want to go to lessons, I'd rather sit out here and smoke, that learn about trigonometry," Phil chuckled, "What are you doing out here?"

"I come out here quite a bit," Dan glanced at the boy, that was not what he was asking. "I had a fight with the teacher. Nothing major, he was just being a dick."

"I know what you mean," Phil smiled to himself. He flicked the cigarette end away.

Dan was about to ask him more when he heard the sound of light running footsteps. Quickly, he stamped out his cigarette and stood up. Zoe ran round the corner, her golden ponytail swinging from side to side. She looked angry.

"Dan, I-" she saw Phil and paused for a moment, "Sorry, could I talk to Dan?" she said, looking at him. Without saying a word, Phil stood up and walked away. Dan looked back at him for a moment, before turning to face the wrath of his girlfriend.

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