Chapter 25

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Hey readers,

DEDICATED: XxInfiniteHatexX for sending me a cover that looked amazing - check out the side picture. Don't worry to those of you who also sent me some since each chapter i will be dedicating to my favourites so keep sending :)

I loved reading all of your comments; seriously I love each and every one of you so please keep it up. Anyway, here is the next chapter so tell me what you think. I did try to add some plot into it so let me know if it was a right idea.

Sorry about the seriously long wait but I’ve been revising for my exams and its taking a lot of time out of my writing. Sorry again and I will try to update as much as possible but you may just have to wait longer for updates.

Lots of love


Chapter 25

Adrian’s Pov

I groaned as I twitched my nose in annoyance, wondering what on earth had my nose tickling like it was but not wanting to open my eyes to find out. I had gotten to sleep late last night since Holly had wanted to watch this film which had been on a later show on the TV, I had told her we could just get it on DVD but she had hushed me while muttering something akin to the fact it was a waste of money. I would have rolled my eyes if I didn’t know that she was completely serious, I mean she had told me before that she had nothing to her name so I didn’t push it.

Holly had officially been staying here for a few weeks much to my pleasure, she may still be slightly skittish around the pack when left along with them but she was doing a hell of a lot better than when she had first arrived here when I had found her in the snow. Her confidence was slowly growing and I made sure I was there every step of the way.

I couldn’t help but smile in my still sleep filled state when I thought about her, the fact she was constantly on my mind not bothering me as much as it probably should have. The reason why I didn’t mind was down to the fact she was absolutely perfect for me in every way possible, I loved her and I didn’t bother to hide it.

I was brought back to the present when the annoying sensation on my nose continued causing me to shift slightly to try and get rid of it. Any normal person would have simple scratched the itch but that would mean removing one of my arms from my mate and that was just unacceptable on my part.

I managed to try and ignore it for a few minutes until I knew getting back to sleep was pointless, my eyes snapping open only to find my own brown eyes staring into my mates bright amber ones. I grinned, giving her blushing form a wink when I realised she had been the one behind my incessant need to scratch as she had been flicking my nose playfully until I woke up.

“Morning” I grinned, loving it when she did the same.

“Morning” she greeted before trying to wiggle out of my arms, the fact I had unintentionally tightened them around her while I slept only then becoming aware to me. “Adrian” she whined slightly, it was utterly adorable.

“What’s wrong?” I asked as I instinctively tightened my grasp making her squirm.

“I need to pee and you won’t let go” was my mates blushing reply causing me to quickly let her go with an amused smile, though it soon turned into a frown when I panicked that my incessant cuddling of her may put her off sleeping next to me.

I was quickly reassured when she sent me a killer watt smile though before she hurried into the bathroom, the fact she didn’t bother to lock the door when she was in their making it impossible for me to keep my smile hidden. I doubt she even realised how must trust she was actually putting in me; I loved it!

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