You Know

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own Percy Jackson, nor Heroes of Olympus, Rick Riordan does

10 hours later

Percy's POV:

It's been ten hours since we left the diner, and in that time, Annabeth, Grover and I have managed to take gum out of a Zebra, feed a Lion, have multiple heart to hearts which included me convincing Annabeth to go back to her Father's house for the school year. Grover was also able to convince the Lion to not eat us or the Zebra but we had to groom him, which is harder than it sounds. And when my two companions were sleeping I practiced focusing my energy while using my bow. I was now able to recreate what I saw in my vision, but I didn't tell the others. Suddenly I feel the truck stop and I motion the Lion back into his cage, which he doesn't seem happy about but complies as not to blow our cover.

"Grover, Annabeth. Come on we need to hide!" I whisper to them as I try to shake them awake but it doesn't work "Good Gods of Olympus..." I mutter as I drag them behind a few crates where I continue to shake them awake

Just then, the doors to the truck open and the Lion lets out a roar which wakes both Grover and Annabeth up. They both look around franticly but I hold my finger to my mouth and point towards the doors where two men are standing.

"Oh, Shut up you big feline. Were almost to our stop" one of the men say while the other looks around

Annabeth and Grover's eyes widen with slight fear at being caught but I smile an evil smile.

"Grover, can you somehow get those animals to the wild?" I whisper to him and he nods

"What are you going to do Percy?" Annabeth asks in a quiet voice

I pull my bow off my back, then grab two arrows from my quiver and notch them, all while the evil smile on my face grows.

"I'm going to cause a distraction, G-man get ready for whatever you're going to do. Annabeth, get ready to find us a hiding spot alright?" I whisper and my companions nod as one of the men notice something

"Oh Hell, the Zebra's cage has been opened" the man announces and I walk out of my hiding spot and have my back to the door as I look at the two men near the animals

I clear my throat and the two pieces of filth turn toward me.

"You know, it's not nice to smuggle animals. Especially in these conditions" I say as I draw back the string with both arrows notched making sure I don't focus my energy "So here's a little secret, don't mess with the wild. Because it finds a way to fight back" As I finish I release my arrows and they both fly straight and true before imbedding themselves in the men's shoulders

The Lion and Zebra both burst out of their cages as I hear Grover mumbling under his breath and I notice the animals gain a faint aura before they bound out of the truck. I load another two arrows onto my bow and let them fly toward the two animal smugglers before I sling my bow over my shoulder and grab Grover and Annabeth. I pull them out of the truck before I let go and the three of us race out of an alley way into the blinding lights of some city.

"Las Vegas, Nevada." Annabeth says quickly as we keep running down the sidewalk "Over there! A Hotel. We can go there to rest up, that means you Percy, you need sleep too" Annabeth declares which I sigh but nod

I look at the sign above the hotel and I narrowly make it out, 'Lotus Hotel and Casino'.

"Sounds nice, come on" Grover says and we run into the hotel

When we get in the first thing I notice is my instinct yelling at me 'GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE'. But sadly, Annabeth and Grover drag me farther into the hotel, up to the sign in desk where a woman smiles at us.

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