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Disclaimer: I do NOT own Percy Jackson, nor Heroes of Olympus, Rick Riordan does

Percy's POV:

'Did you have to antagonize them?' Iota asked and I chuckled mentally

'Yes, yes we did' Instinct said as the wolves started to growl before they slowly started to stalk forward

I smirked as I crouched down low and extended my hidden blades. Causing the wolves to falter and halt in their tracks.

"Not so confident, now are you?" I ask as the largest wolf, the one I barked at, stepped forward and growled before trying to invade my mind

I opened my mind and felt the presence of a goddess.

'Young pup, who are you? And why are you here?' the goddess asked and I tilted my head

"I think... my name is Percy, and I have no clue where 'here' is" I say not raising from my stance

'You are at the wolf house, you were sent here to train so you can join the legion' the goddess explained as she stalked around her pack 'I am Lupa, the mother of Rome, have you heard of me?'

"Nope, I don't remember anything apart from my name" I say lying out my ass "But you said training, and I think I like training" I finished trying to speed this up so I can get to camp

'Yes, and your first lesson starts now' Lupa said and I smirked mentally 'Pick your opponent, that will decide what training routine is best for you' Lupa said and I looked around

'I say we fight Lupa' Instinct said

'I agree' Iota replied

I looked at Lupa and saw her lip curl and I smirked.

'I see you have chosen, if you can pin me, then you will be trained as a Centurion. And you will be admitted into the Legion as such. I only offer you this because no one has ever been foolish enough to challenge me' Lupa said as she jumped back and growled as I chuckled

I launched forward, drawing on the water vaper in the air to start collecting nearby. Lupa glared at me before lunging forward trying to knock me onto my back, but I jumped over her and landed behind her. I spun around and held my hands out and willed the water vapor to form claws onto my hands.

'Iota, think of a plan to pin her' I told Iota mentally and I felt a mental nod in return

'You think you can best me, demigod?' Lupa said and I laughed out loud

I surged forward again, just as Lupa launched forward and I felt Iota take control. I watched as he ducked under a swipe of Lupa's claws and then placed my hand on her stomach and willed the water around her before he dived away and then willed the water to travel to her paws and stick her to the ground, unable to move.

'Done' Iota said proudly and I chuckled

"I win" I announced and Lupa was silent for a few minutes

'You are very skilled, I will train you to be a Centurion. Then I will accompany you to New Rome so you may be admitted in as the proper rank' Lupa said and I nodded as I released her from her Ice bonds

A wolf then walked over with a sword that was sheathed in it's mouth. I grabbed the blade and found that it was nicely balanced. I unsheathed it to find a gold blade that was razor sharp, and was sharpened to a point.

'A roman Gladius, the main weapon for all legionnaires, as a Centurion you are required to have at least a gladius unless there is a shortage in weapons. Then you must find a suitable replacement' Lupa explained and I nodded as I put the sheathe on my back just above my butt and had the handle on my right side 'Why do you not put it on your waist?' She asked curiously and I chuckled as I let my cloaking fall causing her mouth to open and close a bit before I cloaked them again

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