Chapter 2

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You stood there looking at yourself in the mirror. You were tired and got very little sleep due to your fears of what may happen if you let your guard down. You were cold. Shivering almost. It seemed that this room attracted only the cold air. Although you were covered by your jacket and t-shirt which warmed your upper body. You turned the water on and splashed the cold water on your face. It was the only thing keeping you from falling asleep. You jolted back up from the cold water and looked at the bags under your eyes. They weren't as noticeable but it was defiantly a sign of the need of sleep.

You looked back into the mirror seeing the same man. Although in a totally different attire. They wore a red sweater and what appeared to be heels.
There must be some sort of joke being played. You turned around and looked at whoever that was.

"I'm sorry did I startle you, dear?" A feminine voice was heard.

"N-no. Who are you?" You ask quickly. A smile goes on their face.
"I'm Patricia. I brought you some food and a blanket, now go and eat. I'm sure you want it," Patricia said walking over to you and guiding you out of the bathroom. There was a sandwich and a blanket as promised. "Now eat. My you are so thin," Patricia says setting you down on the bed. You nervously and weakly smiled and picked up the sandwich that looked extremely plain and took a bite out of it. Patricia just looking at you with a satisfied look.

"Dear, you should get some sleep. You look terribly tired."

You still didn't trust whoever these people are even if they gave you food and a blanket.
"I must go darling. But I'm sure someone will come by again to explain why you're here," she smiles and gets up. Still with a grin as she steps out the door. When she leaves there's a sigh of relief. You thought about how there was even a possibility that all three of these people you've seen are different or the same person. You remembered in one of your classes they had taught something about this, but you just couldn't remember. You placed the empty plate on the ground. Shivering, you placed the blanket over you, immediately feeling much better.

You laid back and felt so comfortable with finally some comfort. You thought maybe a short nap would help you think better, and also pass the time.


When you woke up there was a bright white glare in front of you. It looked like a sliver of light shining in from the door. Your eyes adjusted to the brightness. You saw a cabinet from the other side of the door. You heard a feint sound of a keyboard typing and had wondered who's there. You got up and walked to the door. The heat breaking through and hitting your skin. You held onto the cold handle and slowly opened the door leaving enough space to look. You saw the same man typing on a computer. Your eyes lit up as the thought of you being able to send a distress email or something to get to the outside world. On the other side of the room was a clothing rack and various cabinets.

You decided to open the door more. Enough to walk through it without getting caught. You looked at the man and then back at the clothing rack. You saw the clothing of Hedwig's and Patricia's along with many others. Then your memory of that one class came back. If someone had experience with traumatic traumas then the mind can create different alters. For all I know is that this man probably has D.I.D which explains the cross dressing.

You slowly walked to the other door which you assumed would be the door leading you straight to your freedom. You got so close to the door that you could almost reach out and touch it. But your shadow was seen in the computer screen and the man jumped up and looked at you. He looked angry that you were about to open the door.
"Don't even try it. It's locked," He speaks. It was the same man who talked to you first. "Sorry," you mumbled standing in place and facing Dennis. "Get back to the room," he demands. You nervously walk slowly towards the door that kept you locked away. Taking slow steps to possibly stall your time trying to take in every detail there is.
"Don't test my patience." He gets up and pushes you into the room loosing his patience with you.

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