Chapter 4

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You opened your eyes and you were surrounded by trees that towered over you. You were laying on the forest floor. The sound of the stream nearby flowing calmed your mind. You were in your current body and wondered if this was real life. Your mind was foggy and had no memory of how you got there. You pinched yourself and still everything stayed the same. You felt calm that you were in a place where you called a second home, but something didn't add up. If this wasn't a dream then what were you doing here? Was all of what just happened a dream?
"Peaceful isn't it?" A familiar voice echoed next to you. You jolted upward looking in the direction of the voice.

It was Patricia. But why would she bring you here? Or how did she bring you here. Then you remembered all of the following events that happened before you ended up here. Dennis had just knocked you out again, and you woke up here.
"How'd I get here?" Your voice croaked looking at her.

"I thought you might enjoy being outside for the last time. Tonight is a sacred night, my dear Casey," Patricia hummed. What she said sent goose bumps down your spine. You knew the exact meaning behind it. She didn't do this because she thought it would be nice. She was giving you, your last taste of freedom. "Not to worry, dear. Things will be over very soon," she smiled. You looked around at your surroundings. How could something so calming be so scary at the same time. If this really was going to be your last time outside. You were glad that it would be spent in the forest. You didn't have the urge to run and try get away anymore. You just gave up. There's nothing to go home to. No ones waiting for you to come home. Everyone thinks your dead anyways. You sat there in silent. Hoping that whatever is going to happen to you happens quickly.

"We must go now, dear," Patricia says walking over to you and standing you up. "I'm sorry but you must not be awake for this part," Patricia says before spraying the same spray in your face.


You woke up once again in the same depressing room. After being knocked out so many times you felt very weak. You slowly sat up, your arms trembling as they held you up. You wished to be dead already.

Although at the same time you didn't want to leave. It sounded crazy that you kind of liked being here but you really did. It was better than your actual home. Besides you kind of liked these personalities. You weren't sure if it was because of you going crazy or if it really was true. You've never been in a relationship or actually loved someone before. So you didn't really know what that feeling felt like. It left you confused on what was the right thing to do in this odd situation.

There was the sound of distant footsteps coming closer to your door. You prepared yourself incase this was the special "ritual" that you were taking part in. The clatter of keys unlocking your door was also heard. The door opened and it was Patricia who was there.

"Good, you're awake. I'll have Dennis explain tonights agenda," She said cold before going off into the other room. Which you assumed to charge out into a different attire. You huddled into the corner of the bed. The only thing you knew was that there was a beast that could eat you as food. You tried to have Hedwig tell you more but it only scared him. Soon Dennis had returned and stood in the doorway looking at you. You stared back trying not to show that you're afraid of him. You had learned that Dennis would take advantage of your visible emotions to only scare you more.

"Soon you'll be in the presence of something much greater," He says coldly. "Who is this Beast?" You ask. Dennis had looked surprised that you asked a question about the Beast. "He is a sentinel being that is here to protect us from you impure's," He says sitting in front of you. You scoot back but only hitting the back of the wall.

"He's coming for you, it'll be over tonight. You see your purpose in this world was to provide the beast the energy he needs to get rid of the rest of you," Dennis says seeming excited telling you about about this beast's plans with you.

"Dennis," You say getting his attention. "I-I know you might think that I'm a bad person but I'm really not. Ive been though a lot, please don't let me die," You speak up. You tried your hardest trying to change his mind on killing you.

"You've never suffered, why should I spare you," Dennis questions. You didn't know what any of this meant. You just had to think of something before Dennis would leave, the next time you'd probably see another person would be the beast. "Y-you know, I think I have suffered from a lot, actually." You really didn't want to tell anyone about your past even if it meant that it would save your life. Dennis had looked upset with you saying that.

"Listen up you little shit," He lunged at you pushing you against the wall holding down your neck. "You don't know anything about suffering, you've never been left behind, tortured in your own home, forced to make everything look,,perfect," Dennis says through gritted teeth. HE was looking at you, seeming more upset with you. You felt his breath brush up against your face.

"I-Im sorry, Dennis. I-I c-cant breathe," You stutter out. Feeling lightheaded you try pry his hand off your neck. You feel as you slowly feel yourself go in and out of consciousness. Dennis' eyes soften after a few moments and he releases you. You took small breaths trying not to overwhelm yourself. You almost forgot that Dennis was there. It took you a few moments until everything went back to its normal color. You knew that he didn't care if you had just died.

"You almost killed me," you complained still feeling lightheaded.

"You like to mock us. Think that you know everything, no one suffered more than Kevin."

"Who's Kevin?" You thought maybe this was another alter. Or maybe Dennis was referencing the original person who owned this body.
"I think it's time for me to go," Dennis says rushing out of the room. You began to cry from the fear of not knowing what will happen to you. You were left knowing that the next time that door opens, you'd be killed.


I'm sorry,,I didn't want to rush this chapter and the parts where we will be moving away from the movie plot. So I promise next chapter it will be something new. I didn't really make the movie plot precise but if you want a split fanfiction where the movie plot is pretty accurate then check out Impulse!
Anyways thank you for reading this chapter! Please vote and leave feedback! Add this book to your library so you'll always know when I post!
Love you all!

Instagram: jcmesmcavoy

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