Mystery Air

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I walked up the stairs and into Aria's bedroom, Noticing she wasn't there. I had walked through the living room and up the stairs into her bedroom so I wasn't really sure where she could be, The bathroom door was open but the light was off so she wasn't in there.
I walked down the hall way slowly, Making sure that I didn't scare her ''Aria?'' I called her name.
I heard nothing back, No foot steps - No noises; Nothing. 
I had no idea on where she could be, I doubt she'd be sitting in her dads room or Mikes room.
I walked back down the stairs and turned on the light, Examining the room for any sign of her. Still nothing.
Wait, I said to myself as I walked towards the door - Noticing her combat boots were gone. I was confused, Her car was still here as were her car keys but she left.. And with out a note or texting me?
I reached into my pocket and pulled out my cell phone 'Aria.. Where are you?' I texted her as I flopped down on the couch in her living room.

This wasn't like her, Every time she slept over she usually slept through the night. Even when she didn't, She never left the house unless it was for school or an emergency. Did she see me leave? Did she contact Jason? Was -A here? The questions ran through my head like a whirl pool was crashing around in my head, Just as if she could read my mind my phone went off 'Hey uh.. I'm just getting some fresh air' She texted me, I knew it was a lie right off the bat.. I used almost the exact same lie. The question that haunted me was, What was she really up to? I was exhausted, It was half past two and I had not went to sleep yet 'Please come back soon, I'm worried. I'm going to sleep, Tired.' I simply texted her, Hoping she would be back soon.

I trotted back up the stairs, Standing in her bedroom. I thought for a moment, Thinking how this could be a good opportunity. I tried to shove that thought aside but, I had to know what she was up to. I flipped on the small lap that sat on her bedside table, Thinking of where she would hide something important. I opened up the drawer to her bedside table, Finding a journal in the process.

Entry # 22

''I went out today but something was different, I don't remember why I went out or what my actual intention was. I don't even know where I was going, I just was going. It was like I was fighting myself in my own body, The last thing I remember was burning pages from one of Ezra's books that was in his apartment; Then Hanna left because I wanted to be alone. After that.. It's just a big blank spot. The weird thing is, I'm filling in the blanks.. But not with things I remember. It's as if my mind is making up one big lie for me and I'm believing it.''

I read the entry that Aria had wrote only over a month and half ago, I was at a loss. Aria had never mentioned this to me before and I had never seen any thing that would suggest she had memory loss. I knew she wasn't on drugs so it couldn't have been that, But what would cause memory loss?

I yawned to myself as I sat down on the bed, Putting the journal back in the same spot I had found it. I leaned back and let my eyes close slowly as I drifted off to sleep.

The Secret (A Pretty Little Liars Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon