The end

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The person who was under the mask was familiar to the girls but to I, I had no idea who she was.
Long jet black hair flowed down her shoulders, Aria and her sharing the same green eyes.
''Alison?!'' The girls all exclaimed at once, The once masked woman that now stood there revealed, Shook her head. ''Vivian.'' The woman spoke, Her voice not recognize able at all.
Hanna tugged at 'Vivian's' hair ''It's real.'' Hanna was shocked by this woman that stood before her, Aria latched on-to my hand; Clearly being afraid.
''I think we all need to sit down and talk, Especially you and I.. Aria.'' The woman spoke but it was more directed to Aria as they stared curiously at each others faces.

The nine of us sat in a little cafe, Excluded from the rest of Rosewood; Best for privacy and unwanted ears. All holding our drink's in our hands and at the edge of our seats, Waiting for 'Vivian to talk.'
''I'm the real Vivian Darkbloom.'' Vivian revealed, Almost sad as she spoke. ''But.. Why would Alison use your name?'' Aria asked confused; Believing this woman before us though I had no idea who Vivian Darkbloom was. ''I knew Alison for a very long time, We were friends but.. We weren't friends. I checked in at the Lost Woods Resort one day and seen my name was down already, I waited out side and that's when I seen Alison skipping out of a room in a black wig and a red coat.'' Vivian shed light on the subject as Spencer drummed her fingers on the table. Hanna looked over at her with narrowed eyes, Annoyed by the sound. ''She looked just like me.'' Vivian scoffed at Alison's attempt to hide her real identity. ''So why..'' Emily started but Vivian cut her off ''Why did I become red-coat?'' Vivian asked, Amused at how much attention she was getting. The girls nodded in sync as I played with Aria's hair, Not very interested in the story; It didn't seem right. ''I was married to, A wonderful man. I had a beautiful step daughter.. One day, That step daughter went missing and then she was found dead. A few months passed and then I found out my husband was dead aswell.'' The woman told her story of revenge, Things started to add up here and there. The woman looked older, Late twenties maybe with flush skin; What would a woman that age be doing around Alison?

''Your daughter.. Alison?'' Paige asked confused, Paige still wasn't use to all the drama that came along with the girls. Vivian chuckled darkly ''No. I was married to Wilden, Sara Harvey was his daughter.'' A tear fell from Vivian's eye as she spoke, The more facial expressions she made; the more she looked like Aria. The girls all gasped at the exact same time, I still barely had any idea what she was talking about. 

''That's why Wilden was after us! He thinks one of us killed Sara!'' Spencer yelled out, Finally happy that the puzzle was coming together. ''But none of you did, She wasn't killed the same place Ali was. Sara was killed in our backyard.'' Vivian told all of us, ''Then who killed her?'' Hanna asked; Confused why Wilden would think it was one of them. ''Someone close to you.'' Vivian told her, Everybody looked at me in sync.. I rolled my eyes and held up my hands ''It wasn't me.'' I told them in honesty, Shocked that they would think that.

''Why are you still after us then?'' Emily questioned, Confused by all the new information.
''That's between Aria and I.'' Vivian told her, Aria's brows furrowed as did mine. ''Why.. Why me?'' Aria questioned confused. ''You'll see.'' Vivian said with a deadly smirk on her face.

I fiddled with my keys as Vivian, Aria and I sat in a group - The rest of the group sitting with eachother across the cafe. ''When your mom was young, Very young. She had a beautiful baby girl, But she couldn't do it at such a young age so she gave that baby girl up for adoption. Then she met your dad and had you and mike.'' Vivian spoke slow, As if this was the first time she had said these things aloud. ''This little girl.. It's you?'' Aria cried in disbelief. I rubbed her shoulders, I was surprised by this new information. Vivian nodded as she let a tight lipped smile cross her face ''I grew up as Vivian Darkbloom from my adoptive parents. I became the black widow or as some people call me; Black Veil once Wilden died. '' Vivian told us, Which made a lot of sense considering we could never understand who Black widow was.

Vivian left for the washroom as Aria cried into me ''I have a sister! How could my mom never tell me this? My sister was trying to kill me.'' Aria sobbed into my chest, Freaking out by the new information. I shhed her, Rubbing her back. I don't think anyone would know what to do in this situation.

Vivian returned ''I need to go, if -A finds out I'm here.. I'll be dead to.'' She spoke sincere, The rest of the group gathered ''Do you know who -A is?'' Spencer asked, Hoping Vivian had the answer. Vivian shook her long black hair ''No.'' She simply said, ''If you find out any more information; You know where to find us.'' I told her, Creeped out by this whole situation.

''It'll be okay.'' I cooed, Aria lifted her head up - Smiling at me ''I'm really glad you're here.'' She admitted, Kissing me softly on the cheek ''Ezra, I love you.'' She spoke to me, Never leaving my gaze. ''I love you, Aria.'' I said in sincerity, Holding her in my arms while her world slowly crashed down.


''So you're telling me, There was two people targeting these four girls?'' The judge asked, Feeling sympathy for Spencer, Hanna, Aria and Emily.
I nodded, ''Yes ma'am, Maybe more..'' I revealed, Not really knowing exactly how many people were after them. ''And you still don't know who -A is, Is that correct?'' The judge asked, Trying to get things straight. ''That is correct.'' I answered quickly, Feeling sick and sweaty from being in the court room so long.
Telling almost my full life story to a room full or Jury's, Close friends and family, A judge and lawyers was not fun. But if I wanted justice then I had to go through every specific detail I remembered, From the start of meeting Aria.
''Was it ever found who killed Sara Harvey?'' The lawyer asked me on my right, I nodded ''We later found out that Vivian had multi-personality disorder, She was going to kill Alison Dilaurentis for having a fling with Wilden. Instead she killed her own step daughter by mistake.'' I revealed to the whole court room, The judge sat there in thought - Pondering my sentence.

I whipped my head around to look at the audience that sat in the gallery, I smile at Aria who's seated in the front row with a 11 month old Eli in her hands. ''Look at Daddy!'' Aria cooed in Eli's ear, Pointing towards me. Even when things were at their worst, She could always make me smile. Aria gave me a reassuring smile as I turned back around to face the judge,  Aria was due on the 27th of August but ended up having our amazing son the day after our three year anniversary; It was the best gift I have ever received, He is so happy and so full of joy all the time. Always smiling and giggling once he wakes up, Eli makes everything; Every day beautiful. Seeing Aria with him, How protective she is over him and caring; She is an amazing mother and I got really lucky in life to have such a beautiful, astounding family.

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