understanding yourself

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Anonymous: I'm confused about my sexuality

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Anonymous: I'm confused about my sexuality. What do I do?

Amy: What makes you question your sexuality?

Anonymous: Whenever I talk to some of my friends that are girls too, I feel happier than normal, my heart starts beating faster, and my cheeks become red. I think about these people for quite some time all day. I've been feeling this ever since sixth grade, and I'm a high school freshman nw. I still find some boys cute or hot, though, so I don't know. I'm really confused.

Amy: You might be bisexual, then. If you aren't sure, think about people you have had crushes on over the years (sixth grade-freshman year). If there were both boys and girls that you have liked, it is likely you are bisexual. If it was only girls, or like 90% of them were girls, chances are you might be lesbian. Pay attention to the way you feel around females and males. Hopefully that makes sense, but anyway, be true to yourself. Do what makes you feel happy. Be with whoever makes you feel happy. If you like a girl, that's fine. If you like a boy, that's fine too. Don't stress about it though, eventually you will find out as you grow older. Remember that it's okay to be yourself and that it's okay to be different. Be you. <3
xoxo, Amy

Anonymous: Thank you so much! You've been such a big help to me, and I feel as if a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. ❤️

Amy: You are very welcome! Glad I could help!❤️❤️


Anonymous: Hey Amy. I don't really know how to properly express myself so I'll just let the words flow. So I'm in 8th grade and recently all my friends have started talking about these boys from my neighbour school (I go to an all girls school) that I have no idea about. I feel out of loop and feel like there's something wrong with me. Everyone around me now have crushes and maybe even boyfriends and here I am talking only about books or my family. Even my closest friends have starting leaving me out of their conversations because I don't know a single person they talk about. Even my sister considers it strange that I don't have a single crush. But having a crush on Peeta Mellark has to be counted as well. Is something really wrong with me? Is it necessary for me to like a actually boy my age? Boys don't even know I exist, I'm sure. Thank you.

Amy: Hey lovely! To answer your question, no. It is most definitely not necessary for you to like a boy. It's not necessary for you to like anyone, actually. Forget what society says. Forget what your friends say you should do. Don't live to society's stupid standards. Do what you want; be who you want. You are in control over who you like and who you are. And it's okay if you feel like you don't fit in sometimes. Sometimes it's good to be different. Sometimes it's good to be alone, too. Make sure you support your friends and their boyfriends/crushes, because that's what friends are for, but are they really your friends if they don't support you too? Like who you want, be with who you want, be who you are, and don't let anyone change you.xoxo, Amy <3

Anonymous: Thank you so much. It means a lot to me. You are amazing.

Amy: You are very welcome. I'm so glad I could help! Aw, thank you! You are amazing as well! <3


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