Chapter 7

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Your POW

"This house is beautiful!"
I look around the new house that Eliza and Alexander will be living
"Yes indeed. Our stuff is already here."
"But still! This place looks awsome!"
Me and Eliza check some rooms
"Soo you are living alone now?"
I sighed still looking around
"Yeh.. But it will be great!"
We got in to the living room and i jumped one the couch
"I mean.. if you are lonley then you can come and spend the night at ours"
"No i'm fine, and plus i want you two to be alone" i wink at Eliza i could already see that she was red

Me and Eliza talk a bit but, then someone came in..
It was Alexander
"Hello Alexander. Do you need something?"
"Yes... i need to talk to you Eliza"
Alexander looked at me
I think hes going to tell Eliza that he is going to war AGAIN...
Eliza looked at both of us with a confused face
"Well i will stay a bit and make dinner. You two can talk"
I rush into the kitchen
"Hmm let's see.. what should i make.."

Elizas POW

Alexander took my hand and draged me to our room.
"Alexander what do you need to tell me?"
I could already see that Alexander got a bit scared..
" i'm going to go to war.."
I could fell my heart shater.
"Alexander.. why? You know you can die from this!"
"I know but i have been to war before! I promes you that i won't leave you"
I was looking down.. i could fell tears going down my face
Then Alexander kissed me

Jeffersons POW

Of course i am in my office working..
It has been one month since i left New York. I really did miss everyone..
And (Y/N)...
I really want to write her a letter but i can't because im so busy.
Then i heard a knock at my door
"Mr. Jefferson, you have a letter from..New York."
"Just put it on my table"
That letter must be from (Y/N)..

As he left i took the letter and opened the letter slowly.
I then read it

Dear Thomas.
It has been really weird around here without you...
I really do miss you..
The war is starting soon so i am a bit scared.
I hope you write.

(Y/N) Hamilton
To Thomas Jefferson

I forgot.. the war is starting soon.
I hope that (Y/N) is ok..
I'm sorry (Y/N) but i have no time.. i can't write to you.

Your POW

"Ok.. all done"
I finished making dinner.
I go take plates and get all ready to start dinner
I go upstairs to go say that dinner is ready
"Um.. guys! Dinner is ready!"
I knock on every door in the house because i didn't know what room they where
Then, i saw Alexander and Eliza come out of the room and, they where holding hands.
"Uhm.. is everything ok?"
I asked because i didn't want Eliza to be sad because of.. the war..
"Ah yes! Everything is fine!"
We go downstairs and we got ready to eat dinner


"Thank you Eliza for letting me eat dinner with you two"
"No problem! We should be saying thank you! Because you made dinner."
"Oh it's nothing! Well i should get going now! It's getting dark"
We said our goodbyes and i left.
It was pretty dark..
When i was going to my house i saw someone.. crying..?
I walk up to them to see if they are ok..
Then i saw it's a girl..
"Are you ok?"
The girl got up and looked at me
"I-I'm fine.."
She looked down
"No it's not fine.. let's go to my house"
I grab her arm and take her to my house

She sits on the couch
"Anna could you make some tea please?"
"Yes miss (Y/N)"
I sighed because i hate when my maid, Anna calls me that
"So uhh.. miss.." "call me kate.."
"Ah, Kate.. why where you crying? Did something happen?
"Oh well... me and my husband married 5 months ago and today when i came home.. i saw him with a another girl.."
She had tears in her eyes..
Her face was all red because she was probobly crying earlier...
"Oh.. i am so sorry.. it must be terrible... don't cry about him. He is worth nothing! Here you can stay at my place"
"Oh no.. you don't need to do that.."
"It's fine! My brother movied away so it's all good!"
"Thank you very much!"
"It's no problem. Now come! I will show you to your room"
I showed her a room that nobody used but it war clean..
"This room is beautiful! Thank you again that i can stay here!"
"It's no problem! Ok now goodnight!"

I go to my room and sit on my bed..
I sighed..
There is still no letter from Thomas..
I guess he is TO busy that he can't even write to me.
I get ready to go to sleep
I plop into bed and blew out my candle
I tried to go to sleep but i can't..
Because i was thinking about my life..
I then fall asleep because my head hurt after thinking so hard..

*End of chapter*

(A/N) helluu guys! The writer speaking!
So first of all

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 200 readers!
Or should i say 209

And i am so sorry that this chapter is so short..
I promes that the next chapter will be looooooooong
K Byeee


P.s. i am so random

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