Chapter 8

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Your POW
One week later

This was the day...
The day where my brother and his friends go to war.
I got a little scared because i can't lose Alexander.
I was ay my own house. Eliza said that i can come to her house to hide but i said no because i didn't want to leave my maid, Anna here.
I locked my doors and closed my certens.
"Miss (Y/N) what should we so now?"
I heard a soft voice behind me.
I turn around and saw Anna.
"Oh.. Well i don't really know... maybe let's eat together?"
She nooded and was going to the kitchen.
It looked like that Anna wasn't scared..
She just has a blank face...
I think she is still sad after her childhood...
But when we where friends she was always happy with me.
But when she was my maid then she changed..
I sighed. I knew that i need to talk to her soon because she can't be like that all the time.
I headed to the kitchen and i saw she just made some tea and some cookies that she made.
I sat down and she did too
"Uhm.. Anna?"
"Yes miss (Y/N)?"
"Can you please just call me (Y/N)?"
"Oh.. sorry mi- i mean (Y/N)"
I sighed
"You know.. you don't need to be my maid"
She looked at me in confusen
"But i want to"
"Remember when we where... 13? We played hide and seek? And we both fell in a duck pond.
Anna started to laugh
"How could i not remember that?"
"But.. you don't need to be my maid.. we can hang out and forget the..past"
She let her head down.
It looked like she would start to yell at me but, she looked back at me with a smile
"Ok! But.. i will still help you around with the house"
I sighed
"Well ok.."
"And i got some food for us because the war will be for like a month or so"
"I know.. i still am woried for Alexander"
I look out of the window and there was nothing..
There were no people because the war is today
"Uhm.. (Y/N)?"
I turn around. I was thinking that it was Anna but it was Kate
"Ah Kate. How is your stay here?"
"It is very good. Thank you again for leting mr stay here and, i send my husband a letter that i want a divorse"
"Oh that's good and your wecome! You can stay here any time"
She gave me a.. weird smile and left to her room.
"I don't think we should trust her"
I could hear Anna next to me
"But.. she cryed last night.. but she is weird today"
"I will watch her... you never know she can be a spy"
"Well she is a girl i don't think so.."
Well there is a chance that she is in the war but i don't know.
"Oh and you got a letter"
I take the letter and i said thank you to Anna.
I rushed upstairs to my room to see who wrote to me.
I open it and read it.

Dear (Y/N)!
I have really great news!
I would really like it if you come over to my house because as you now i am alone and alexander is going to war.
But i am really not alone...

Elizabeth Skuyler Hamilton
To (Y/N) Hamilton

Waitt whay does she mean that she is not alone?
I get ready and head out

I knock at the door and Eliza opend it
"Soo what is the suprise?"
"Come in"
She open the door wider for me to come in.
So i did as she said.
I sat on the coutch and she sat next to me.
"Wait.. you said that someone is with you?"
She nod and i was confused
"And where is he?"
She dosn't say anything.. she just holds her stomach like it hurted but she was smiling.
"Im pregnant"
She wispers
"Wait... say that again."
"Your going to me a aunt"
I froze...
I nearly fell off the coutch
I hit my face to the pillow and started to cry
"I'm going to be a aunt!"
I started to run around like a kid and my tears falling.
Eliza hugs me.
"I have never felt so good in my life. But..Does Alexander know?"
"No... but i will try to get him home."
"I will talk to the genaral"
I sighed.
"Well anyway.. is the baby a girl or a boy?"
"I don't know yet. I just found out that i was pregnent yestarday"
"Well.. ok.. but be safe you two i need to go!"
We say our goodbyes and i leave

I get home. I open the door and got in
No anwer
No answer
Before i could say another word someone knocked me out.

??? POW

"What should we do to these two?"
"Well i don't know about the maid but i need this girl. She would be very useful."
"Well i think we should atlest not take them today let's do it some other day"
We take the girls and put them on the coutch and we leave

Jeffersons POW

This was my day off of work.
So i could relax today.
But i remembered about (Y/N)
"I should write her a letter"
I grab a paper and a quill and started to write.
When i wad fineshed i read over it if it is ok.

My dearest (Y/N).
I am sorry that i have not writen you a letter.
It is just that i have been very busy with work and i got lucky so i got a day off.
I hope you have a good day and don't you dare foget about me!

Thomas jefferson
To (Y/N) Hamilton

I send the letter.
I really wanted to invite (Y/N) to france for a month or so.
Maybe i can make that happen.
Someone then knocked at my door
"Come in.."
Then my friend...John came in with two girl
(It's not Laurens)
"Hey Thomas! Here is some girls you can talk to and maybe be with them"
"Gosh dammit John! I don't need a girl anymore!"
"But how can i trust you? You know you need to find a lady friend"
"Your mom.."
(Idk anything about Jeffersons mom.. just imagine she is alive or something in this story)
"Ugh of course."
My mom always is worried about me if i am alone so she want's me to find someone

Your POW

I could fell my head hurt.
I was slowly waking up
I woke up on my couch and i saw Anna next to me knocked out too
"Oh my head really hurts"
Why would someome knock me out and just put me on my coutch and leave?
"Wait.. did someone brake into my house?"
"I go check the house if some is in it"
I go to kates room and i found a small letter
I read it

You won't have him.
I will win next time

What did she mean that i won't have him?
She was a spy...

*End of chapter*


First of all
Guys you have no idea how i fell.
It means a lot!
Well i have 335 and that is a lot too
Sorry for not updating..
And sorry for the bad grammer i wrote this chapter at night and i was pretty tierd
And i don't have wifi so sometimes i won't update
Thank you again for everything!
K bye!


P.s. i am so random

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