Chapter 27

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Jeffersons POV

"Why were you talking about it? We all agreed that we will just forget about it." Alexander said as he looked at me with anger

"What? I didn't do anything. I really love (Y/n) and I wouldn't talk about her in that way. Look at James! He doesn't trust her!" I said defending myself

Then everyone looked at James

"Well- Uh.. Don't you think she is.. weird? She has become crazy!  We should get her some he-"

"Shut up! She is my sister! We all agreed  that we should just drop it. I knew I shouldn't trust you both. She isn't together with you Anymore Thomas now GET OUT!" Alexander yelled as he pushed us out of the house.

"Wait what?! I still love he-" but before I could finish hamilshit closed the door.

"I can't belive you! She is your best friend and now she ran away somewhere because of you." I said as I walked away leaving Maidison alone.

(Y/n) POV

I knew I shouldn't be doing this.

I ran to my house trying to be unseen
I need to pack my bags and go far away for a while. That's what I need..

I open my door.
Quickly as I can I go to my room and take.. almost all of my stuff.

I took some money for me to buy a place where I could go sometimes.
I was ready to go but then I heard the door open.. Wait. I didn't remember giving anybody my keys..

I look and saw... Thomas?
Of courses it was him I could see him walking around then he sat down on the couch as I heard him sigh.

I could make a run for it..
Before I could thought about my plan I already ran.

"Wait what? (Y/n)?! Wait!" I heard him  say as he grabbed my hand.. how did he do it so fast?

"Let go of me!" I said almost yelling
"(Y/n).." he said as he looked me in the eyes.

"I SAID LET GO OF ME" I screamed
He did what i said as I wanted to run out but I stopped at the door.

"I'm sorry. For everything. I still love you."  I heard him say.

I just wanted to turn around and hug him and kiss him but I didn't... I just needed a break.

"I'm sorry... " I whispered as I got out and closed the door

As I walked... Somewhere... I thought how dumb this is because
author-chan is so stupid to think of something else.

It wasn't really Thomas's fault.


I sigh.
It was dark already.
I walk around as I look up at the sky
"The stars are so beautiful today..."
I didn't know why but I walked still even though I wasn't looking where I was going.

And that made me bump into someone.
I quickly look at the person.
"Oh gosh i am so so sorry i didn't look where I was going." I said worried

"That's what they all say... Sorry,
It was my fault I didn't really move away..."

I nodded and we just stood there not saying any word.
I had a great opportunity to see what she looked like.

She had dark brown hair and eyes the same color. She had a stunning red dress and lipstick red too.

"Uh.. Hello?"
She said as I snapped out of my thoughts

"Oh! Um, Yes..?" I asked beginning to feel awkward.

She smiled "My name Maria, Maria Reynolds."

"Nice to meet you! My name is (Y/N) Hamilton!" I said. I don't know why but I have a... Different feeling about this woman.. A bad feeling.

I could see her face change from a smile to a worried look.

"H-Hamilton?" she stuttered... Weird.

"Yes...? Do you have a problem?"
I asked a bit confused

"N-No... I need to go meet someone... Goodbye."

She got past me and ran.
Why though?

I sigh
People these days.
I wonder what will happen in the future?

Maria's POV

Oh gosh what am I doing?!
I don't want to do this.. I just want to go home to my daughter.
I really feel terrible about this. I am having an affair with Alexander Hamilton himself and just now I met his sister... I just couldn't talk to her like nothing is happening.

Maybe I shouldn't do this? Maybe I should just turn around and go home?
No, He will kill me then.
But you rather just die then be here.
But I want to be there for my daughter!

I sigh.

I know at his door as he opens it
"Yes?" said Alexander.

The next morning
Thomas's POV

I do my work even though my mind is still on (Y/n).
I didn't even do anything and we are now "not together"

I hear a knock on the door.
I open it

Madison said...  Really fast.

"What? "
I asked
"Oh I mean I am sorry..  For all of this"
"I don't think that you should be saying sorry to me but to someone else." I said

"But I mean, I did basically broke  your relations-"
"Ahem. Just talk to her, And.. Can you please tell her that... You know what... nothing."

I think i should apologize to her too for letting this happen to her. But I'm not ready yet. I should probably just do my work..

"but, we don't know where she is."
Madison said before going out

"she couldn't have gotten too far. She isn't dumb enough to leave this town"
I said

"Thomas.. "

"just go"

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