Chapter 1

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Back to Kiara's POV...

"You're bluffing." My statement was honeyed as I spoke, my voice orotund and clear as I looked directly at my last opponent, at the mahogany table.

The rest of the players have folded, giving in their cards long ago and for good reason. It was surprising however, since we were at an event with many professionals, a few Alphas too apparently.

Richard gives me a small smile - one that made him look wiser and informed in the current situation. He knew I was right, and was almost proud of me.

"Raise." His smile never fades, as he challenges me. This was his second identical move ever since I figured out his current tactic, and I was surprised that even after exposure of it, he still continued his facade.

"Fine." My own smirk widens. "I call."

My fingers grip tightly to the two cards in my hand, as with the other I tap my nails on the table top repetitively, as I impatiently wait for his next decision.

The man I'm playing with right now was my father's best friend - before he got a death sentence by Alpha Daniel. He was an Alpha you didn't want to cross, and even though my father had a high position of a Beta in our pack, it wasn't enough to keep his life. My mother was broken, still is, and admittedly I fear she may soon not be able to handle it for much longer.

It's been a few months since my father died, so the initial wounds it left in me have healed, but the nightmares never leave my side, just as Richard never does. Regardless, he has been helping me and my mum, never less than he always has done. Even more so now.

The dealer shows us the last card, placing it on the poker table. My eyes make their way along the route from the card, to then meet Richard's glance.

"Well?" I ask, awaiting the reveal of his cards. Secretly I was cursing in my mind.

This final one on the table could change the whole scenario, it definitely weakened my chances of winning but of course I didn't show signs of that. If my dad taught me one thing before his death, it would be the keys to succeed in his favourite passion out of the many he had. And in poker, the one that opened the door with the most opportunities was no other than - a poker face.

That one was useful not only in the game, and was applicable to many situations I faced in real life.

He turns his wrist to show the two missing pieces to our chessboard, as those indeed are - after the publication of the last card by the dealer - enough to win over mine.

I sigh, meeting his own smile with mine as I turn my cards around for him to see. He won.

"You have still more to learn, Kiara." He speaks, amusement all over his face. "But you were right, I was bluffing, only to a certain point though."

"Well, the student can't always be better than the teacher, right?" I muse, standing up from my chair. Even though my dad taught me most, Richard continued that tradition when he wasn't there to do that anymore.

He was a brilliant poker player too. That's what they bonded over initially when they were young. It's how they became best friends.

"Go on," He motions me to the other tables as the dealer takes up the cards, ready to distribute the next round I chose not to be a part of. "Go and show them what I taught you."

My mum never approved of my father's love for the game. She called it gambling and an unhealthy habit so was more than against it when he decided to teach me the rules at age six. I didn't see it being much different to monopoly; as long as you don't gamble your money away, it didn't make much of a difference.

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