Chapter Eleven

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For MoonStarsandRoses , as a late Christmas Present.

Jaylyn's POV

I followed the road taking random turns until I ended up at this peak that I've never see before. But it really is beautiful. It has a view over the entire city. However I have decided to call it Purpose Peak because when I first got here a boy, maybe 25 or so, was purposing to his girlfriend I presumed. She said yes and well happily ever after. Yay. I'm glad someone will.

After they left in his pickup truck, I had walked over to the edge and sat with my feel dangling. I look down. A couple hundred maybe thousand feet below is ground. For a millisecond, I contemplate jumping. But I decide against it. Who would find my body? It could be years. Why let my organs go to waste? Well my working ones at least.

My hand subconsciously goes to my scarred wrist. I have been "clean" for almost a year, nine months to be exact. Although, at this moment I feel like wasting that as dark thoughts start to enter my brain.

Why should I even try? Its not like anyone cares. As soon as the thought enters my brain, I try to get it to leave. I fell something drop down on my knee and I look up, expecting to see a dark sky and feel more drops. When I don't, I look down. I see that my nails had been digging into my arms, causing bloody gashs to appear.

I sigh. Slowly, I curl my fingers from my arms. Enjoying the slight sting that I feel when my nails leave the cuts. My body seems to sag with the pain, momentarly making me forget about the depressing thought in my head.

Pulling out my new phone, as it had buzzed, I see a text message from a random number.

Hey, Jaylyn, it's Derek, the manager of Frozen Freezies. When you arrive, please come into my office and I will give you an application. Thank you, see you tomorrow. The text read.

Ok, thank you, Derek. I will see you tomorrow. I won't be able to stay long, as I have to get to a doctors appointment. I text back.

Okay That ends our short conversation.

I shove my phone back into my pocket and swing my legs. I sigh, the sky is getting darker. Hinting at a strom that is to come. That makes two stroms tonight. I chuckle humorlessly to myself. I am almost positive that my father is going to come tonight.

That thought in itself scares me half to death. My father is like the devil himself. I can still remember the first time. The first hurtful word, the first ignorace, the first hit. Everything. They are like perment reminders that I will never be good enough for anyone or anything. But the things that my parents say and do, everytime they ignore me or hit me. It isn't the worst thing. The worst thing that every happened to me because of them was when I was seven. My father shoved me in front of a moving car. The car, not having enough time to stop, rammed into me. I broke three ribs, my arm and my leg. It took a long time to heal, especially cause that was what caused my father to start hitting me. Actually this had been the longest time without a beating. It has been about a week or so.

I decide to start walking back home. I stand up and turn around. The walk here was harder because of the huge ass hill that you have to climb.

I hum the song Paper Crown by Alec Benjamin. When the first rain drop drops, I look up. The Grey clouds are close now and are starting to release rain droplets. It seemed like in a second, that it had turned to a down pour. Rather than one every now and then, it turned to hundreds at once. I close my eyes and turn my face upward, enjoying the coolness of the drops. They almost seem relaxing.

I've always loved rain. It was my happy place when I was little.

I speed walk back to the house but I slow to a turtle pace when I see the gates. I tap on the guard stand.

"Mr. Shay! What are you doing out there?" One of our night guards, Tommy, asks.

I just shrugs. He sighed and opened the gate.

"Have a good night Mr. Shay." Tommy smiles. I nod back and walk I the long, unnecessary driveway but pause at the door.

I really don't want to go in. But I know I have to. If I stay out any longer I chance getting sick and I don't know if I can make it through a sickness. Leaning my head against the door, I sigh again. My arms hurt, my legs hurt and I just want to go to bed but I know the second I walk into my bedroom my father will be on me. He always seems to know when I'm home, more specifically in my bedroom.

Opening the door, I walk as slowly as possible to the door that leads to my doom. Well one of the doors at least. I start thinking about my future again. About how one small cold and that could be it for me. Opening the door, I didn't hear the laughter, too far in my thoughts. I'll probably never be able to graduate. With my luck I'd live past the day that they say I will die and end up dying either the night before or the day of graduation. But I mean, who cares right? No one would come anyways. My brothers would be busy probably living somewhere else going to college and working, my parents will probably kick me out when I'm eighteen.

I didn't notice that anyone was down here until I was snapped out of my thoughts by someone shouting my names.

"Jaylyn! Jaylyn! JAYLYN!" Ryder was shouting.

I look up with wide eyes to see all of my brothers down there. I slightly shrink into myself when I feel more then one pair of eyes glaring at me.

"What are you doing down here?" Ashton basically growls at me. I shrink further into myself. I turn slightly so I can make an easy exit.

"Yeah, can't you see we're busy?" Sixx's glare intensifies as he snarls.

"God, we can't even have our own time in our own home." Ajax snarls, standing right by his twin.

Most of the rest of my brothers join in, all except Ryder, Raven and River who were basically too busy having sex to notice. I start to shake and pant as their yelling gets louder. I feel like I'm suffocating.

"JAYLYN! Get your ass up here NOW!" A shout from my father breaks through all of their yelling.

I dart up the stairs and to my fathers office. I make it there in record time.

"Jaylyn, Jaylyn, Jaylyn," He tsks. "Did you think we wouldn't find out?"

My mom walks up beside my father who is smirking at me evilly. My breathing starts to increase even more. My father steps forward towards me.

Fallen Behind: The Eighth Brother Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang