Chapter Fourteen

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Jaylyn's POV
Night before.

After, Raven and Silas left to go to bed, I lay down on the couch. The air conditioner sends a chill down my spine and I curl into a ball.

"Jaylyn, oh Jaylyn. Where are you, Jaylyn?" His unforgettable voice pierces the calm night air and I stiffen.

My father seems to come out of no where. He only has on a pair of tighty whities but he has his belt in one hand. He walks forward and punches me hard in the face.

"Mother fucking problematic, disobedient child. You should be glad I don't whip your ass." He growls out. He pounces on me and throws punches at my already bruised stomach.

He decides that this isn't enough and starts to pull down his boxers.

"Please, dad, please don't do this! Please!" I beg him.

But he had already slammed in side of me. It took every I had, not to scream. Tears fall down my face in wet trails as he pulls out and starts to thrust in, going harder each time he saw that it hurt.

"Mm, yeah. Oh god." He moans and I feel his seed flow into me. I start to cry harder. "Shut up before you wake up your brothers!"

He thrusts a few more times before his seed fills my insides. I try to stop the cries as he pulls out, spits on me then leaves after putting on his boxers. I curl into a ball and sob quietly as he leaves. Shivering, I try to curl into an even tighter ball. I fall into a restless sleep.

I wake up in a cold sweat a few hours later. My stomach turns and I jump up, rushing to the closest bathroom. I puke my insides out, tears are running down my face.

Once I'm done, I fall back. Leaning on the door. Sweat is coating my body but I ignore it and rub the sides of my mouth. I sit there for a moment with my eyes closed. With a sigh, I stand up and walk to the sink to get out the mouth wash. I pour some into my mouth, rinse and spit.

After putting away the mouth wash, I check the clock that is in the bathroom. 5:36. It's not too early. I turn on the shower. Stepping in, ice cold water washes over me. I shiver and shower as quickly as I can. I dress back into my clothes after drying off. Next, I head down to my bed room, and get out the clothes I want to wear today. A black hoodie and black jeans. Taking out a pair of boxer briefs, I dress and head out of my room once again. I skip breakfast and head outside. Intending to walk to school. I don't see any of my brothers and assume that they are still asleep.

The walk to school seems to take even longer with my slight limp and the soreness that my father caused. Tears spring to my eyes as the memories of last night hit me.

"Jaylyn, oh Jaylyn!" A mocking voice whispers in my ear. An involuntary shiver runs down my spine at the sultry sweet voice that causes me to shake from the mention of his name.

"Did you miss me?" The laugh that escapes him, causes me to flinch.

Anytime Wren Davis's laugh reaches my ear, the automatic fight or flight response rears its head and of course, usually I try to run.

But not today. I'm sick of it. Everything. If he kills me, then I die.

It's as simple as that. Black and white. Or I guess red and blue, but whatever.

"Oh, not gonna run from the big bad wolf, huh? Has Jaylyn forgotten my favorite part of our relationship? You run and hide but I always find you." He laughs again and moves his long, skinny fingers to grip my neck in a vice like grip.

My hands fly up to where his are cutting off my airways and claw. He hisses when I break skin and cause blood to fall.

"You little bitch!" Wren throws me into the wall, just out of view of any security cameras. "I'll kill you for that!"

He lunches at me, and lands directly on my chest. Restricting my air again, but this time with his body. He starts to throw blind punches, aiming for anywhere that he can get his hands to reach. Black spots begin to dance before my eyes and I start to give in. Letting the darkness take over.

-- Sometime Later --

I shoot up and clutch my heart as it starts to beat out of my chest. My breath comes out in short pants, I look around me as my breathes even out. My heart calms and I stand up. I wince with pain, wobbling a little. I look around, land is stretching miles upon miles on either side of a two way abandoned divided highway.

A shiver racks my body and I look down, examining what I can see. Bruises litter my arms and legs, I can see through what is left of my ripped clothes. My shirt is barely hanging on by a thread.

With a slight limp, I walk on to the abandoned highway. A shriek of a sound fills the air, I cover my ears and bend slightly at the waist. Because of the aftereffects of the sound, I didn't hear the car coming from behind me.

I feel pain all over, my body hits the top of the car as I go over the roof of the car. Pain explodes as new injuries accompany my old bruises. I don't know for how long I laid there, all I know is that I didn't lay there for long before even more pain explodes from my left. I try to move my hand to the hurt area but it won't comply. The sound of footsteps reaches my ears but I can't pinpoint how far away they are.

"Jaylyn!" A voice shouts form next to me.

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