chapter four

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ethans pov

"so you don't remember anything at all?" dylan shakes his head.

"all i know is that i fucked two girls" he laughs and i look at him weirdly.

he ignores me and we continue to walk down the hall, until he taps me and points.

he points to jessica and whispers, "look at that personality from behind"

he slaps her ass and giggles, she runs into the bathroom.

we keep walking until we reach his locker, "who's that bright blue eyed girl? I spoke to her before and I can't remember her name."

"gotta be more specific buddy, there's a lot of blue eyed girls in this shithole."

"deep brown hair, about 5'8?."he raises an eyebrow.

"oh! caitlin, what a hotshot, me and the boys have bets on her." he laughs again, this guy laughs too much.

"Really? I kinda dig her." His face, his face.

"No way dude! Oh god you gotta hit me up when you guys fuck." He punches me in the arm, this time hurting a little bit.

"Sure will." I smile awkwardly but he doesn't notice.

He starts to walk but he realises I don't follow. "yo you coming orrrrr."

"nah ill see you later, after school." I don't change expression.

"alright man." he laughs, i swear to fucking god.

I turn, revealing a lot of unfamiliar faces. I look back and forth to find 'caitlin'.

I keep walking until I see a brown haired girl wearing the same outfit I saw earlier.

I walk towards her, until someone pushes me and drags me into a corner.

"I don't know what your trying to play here, but I know who you are." I flick her hand of my chest.

"Um excuse me, who the fuck are you?" I stand tall.

"Stella, that's all you need to know, but all that YOU need to know is to stay the fuck away from caitlin." She says grabbing my shirt.

I flick her off again. "Why the fuck does it matter to you?"

"I know what happened at your old school, I know what happened with you and that girl."
My face drops, I don't speak.

She leaves and I stand there speechless.

*the bell rings*

I can't move, I try but I can't.

I remember, I remember it all.

I feel like collapsing, but I'm frozen.

I close my eyes, leaning against the wall I've been leaning against the past 5 minutes.

"Mr.Dolan!" I eyes snap open and someone grabs my arm, making me move.

"Where are you supposed to be?" principal fucking Kennal leave me the fuck alone.

"Sorry." I look down in shame.

"Very, very disappointed, second time today!" He crosses his arms, letting go of my arm.

"Oh know, I'm really sorry."

"Mhm, I've heard that before, detention, what class are you supposed to be at?." He raises an eyebrow.

"Science, room 4b."

"Right come with me."

hey chickens, hope you enjoyed this chapter💗
i really hope you do because I do, I just really love how even though it's mostly about caitlin and ethan, everyone else has there own story ya know? anyways,
see you tomorrow for another update.

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