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*Ashton's Pov*
A few days had past since Ashley's death and we had just had the funeral. I hadn't really focused on our kiss. I don't think it meant anything to Erik,he probably just mainly did it to shut me up. The same question came across my mind over and over. How does he feel about me. You know what I just need some rest,so that's exactly what I did.

"So beautiful Ashton..."

Nope. I am not sleeping. I look at my clock and it said 1:07 am. Looks like I am not going back to sleep. I went over to my coffee maker and began the process. Shortly after I heard it begin to make way. "Did it mean anything" I said to myself over and over again. Truth was I did love Erik,I always have since the day I knew what love was. I went out with other guys because I knew he didn't feel the same.

Hours had past my lifeless body just sat there, making up situations of me and Erik in my head. I decided not to go to class today. I went to class all the days before,so I'm sure people wouldn't notice,especially Erik. I walked back over to my coffee pot and poured a hot steaming cup of coffee.

I just watched the clock for the past five hours. I looked down at my palms to see where I kept my nails digging into them. They were defiantly going to scar. I pulled my knees up to my chest and rested my hand in my bloody palms.

I continued not going to class for the past two weeks. Erik checked on me here and there.
Today was the day I was going back I had to face my anger and sadness eventually.. I still had Erik's sweatpants so I decided to put those on along with a regular lowcut black T-shirt.

I trudged through out the hallway I already knew I was going to be late. I jumped when the bell suddenly rung but a minute or two later I walked in. As usual everybody turned and stared at me being, as I was popular with the main xmen I heard people gossip as I walked back to my seat surprisingly it was cold. I had a throbbing headache. "Its great to have you back Ms.Taylor" I heard Erik say. I just rolled my eyes. "Anyways today's class assignment is to write in a descriptive letter to someone that you would never want them to read,in the mean time I will catch up Ms.Taylor" I decided to work on the current assignment until he walks over here. I was going to write my letter to Erik,but he will never read it I will have Charles read it and have him grade me. I was brought out of my thoughts when a piece of paper was thrown at me.
"You are very strong child" it read then I tilt my head up to see Erik walking over to my desk.

I wasn't going to lie I was nervous my heart was pounding,my chest started to hurt. He stood there at my desk with a smile. "Vielen Dank"(Thank you) I whispered. "Herzlich willkommen"(Your welcome) I heard him reply with joy in his voice that I finally learned some German. He placed his hand on my desk accidentally touching mine.
I flinched. At this point I couldn't breathe. I fled the classroom running to the bathroom. Moments later Erik came running in. "E--Erik" I croaked. He came running over by my side. "Shhhh I'm here and I'm not going anywhere." He cooed. I used to be like this when I was little. "I miss this." I mumbled,unforuntely Erik heard me. He chuckled. I never wanted that moment to end.

A few hours had pass since my little incident. I had calmed down now. But I suddenly heard something strange in the hallway so,I decided to go check it out. My eyes widened at the sight I had saw. Erik was puking everywhere that wasn't even the bad part he was puking blood. He had his hand on the wall the other gripping his stomach. "Omg ERIK!" I yelled and ran over to him. I put my arm around his shoulders and carefully pushed him off the wall making his weight go on me almost making me fall. He was still puking everywhere and of course I was wearing white. I trudged through the hallway with him not caring that he was heavy nor than he was puking on me. "Erik honey you have to breathe through your nose,just breathe" I told him. Making my way down the stairs and going to the main hallway to where everyone of the kids had been hanging out. Everyone started screaming making, Charles come and run out here he saw what was happening and gladly helped me carry Erik down to the downstairs cortex. We carefully laid him down on the bed whilst Charles did some test I was holding Erik's hand the whole time giving him some relief of the current situation.

He eventually fell asleep so,Charles brought me in a chair so I sat there the whole night waiting for him to wake up. Everyone had been asleep except for me. It was around 2:30 in the morning and I heard a gasp and look over to see a wide eye Erik.
"Erik its okay its okay its just me calm down" I kept repeating to him and eventually he settled down. "Why did you flinch?... I have never hurt you and never would,you know that I barley touched you"He said with sadness in his voice. "I-i w--was sca--red" I stuttered."I know I am a monster but I would never hurt anyone here especially you" At this point he was crying. I went over and sat on his bed right on top of his legs. "Let me in Ashton! Let me in bloody hell!" He somewhat yelled at me. I started bawling my eyes out. "I am sad Erik! Sad! You are so special to me Erik I can't express in words..! Erik I dont think you understand how much I need you! Since I met you I felt like I could be myself around you knew I was different from the others,I was abused physically and mentally,I was torn down broken,but when I was seven and you strapped me in onto the ship thats when I knew,I needed you and right now I need you the most.." I cried taking in a few deep breaths. "You mean everything to me Ashton absolutely everything I dont want you in my life,I need you in it,I was a monster somehow you saw through that." He said with a tiny chuckle.

I started getting sleepy and yawned and rubbed my eyes and wiped my eyes with my shirt forgetting it had blood on it realized I didnt have pants on because I got uncomfortable and took them off,apparently Erik noticed and laid me down on his chest and I stuck my hands under his back and eventually fell asleep. I heard Erik whisper,"Goodnight my one and only Ashton" leaving me with a massive blush and a cheeky smile. Let me tell you that is the perfect way to end the day.

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