Vent Session 41

29 6 14

Question: What would you name your son if you had one?

I don't know honestly, Imma think about it then tell y'all☺

I could tell y'all what I wouldn't name my baby

I wouldn't name him King, Prince, Your Highness, Royal shít, none of that😑

Some girls in my area be like

"If I have a son, his name is gonna be King"

I understand that in their eyes, their sons will always be kings but...

There's gonna be a lot of  boys named King and their girlfriends finna be confused af

"Girl, King is so fine!"

"Bitch, why the fuck you talking bout my man?"

"No, the another one"😂😂😂😂😂

The name is aight but errbody in the damn neighborhood finna have it 


Hey y'all 

What it do?


My school called my parents today😢

It's not August yet

And they called🙄

I'm not ready to see these hoes at school😭😭 

Maaaaaannn, the only thing that's good about senior year is graduation and prom 


Imma graduate school just to go to school again😑

All math teachers got beef with me so me and that teacher gone have beef🙄 

How would you rate your summer?🤔

5.5 out of 10

It was good and bad at the same time



I went to the beach☀

Threw Jana a surprise party🎉



I don't got no car, yet❌🚗

*Cough cough* My bougie ass parents* Cough cough*😒

My brother ate all my Cinnamon Toast Crunch😭

Acting like he brought it🙄

Early in the summer, I got played🎮

But it's all good ☺🖕

So my summer was lit🔥 and also shít💩 

Y'all gotta try this⤵

Say: Eye

Spell: map

Say: ness

It's funny, if you get it🤣🤣🤣


*Stay Wavy Baby*

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