Vent Session 47

19 6 7

I vent too much😑

Question: What's your favorite cuss/curse word?


I said that word alllll dayyyy

You could say it in different ways like

Bitch, you did what?!

Bitch, you knew about that?


I took a DNA test today and I'm 100% that BITCH

I fw that word soooo much👌🏽 


Hey y'all 

What it do?

Netflix need to hurry up and add Martin to it😒😒

Is the movie Pariah on Netflix good?🤔

Imma just start using twitter and Wattpad 

Every time I block my mama she find other ways to stalk me😂😂😂

"Kaylynn, I gotta talk to you about something." 

Every time she say that she's been lurking 

I'm thinking 

"Wtf did I post?"

I was lowkey scared because she asked me 

"Who's this?"


It was a picture

You don't see nobody face

Just two people holding hands☺

I just put 🙊 

And people from my school commenting "New mans?" and "Who dat?👀"

They don't know who it is, kinda lowkey 

But not lowkey to y'all, y'all already know who it is😉😉😉😉

My mom is just like Jana man🙄

"Mommy, that's Mario."

"The boy that brought you flowers?"

She know about that😬

 My mommy is bullying me now just like my bestfriend and won't leave me alone😭😭😭 

I blame Jana even though she not at my house right now😑

They aggy🙄


*Stay Wavy Baby*

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