*Fairy animals & The swords*

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*Rosella P.O.V*

I was at the forest playing with my dragon power while my friends were trained by the Winx, my friends since we were little. And I hope they were ready to fight the Shadows lightning. Then I start facing...again.

'Stop it rose your the strongest and the bravest fairy in Alfia, there is nothing you can't handle' I stop facing back & forth. I just want my friends to be safe and happy, not like this.

'Maybe I better get back' I begin to back on Snowfall and ride back to Horseland, I see my friends and sisters were still training with them ( The Winx ).

"Hey guys, hows the training going...are they getting the hang of it" I asked them (The Winx). "Well a little because Molly still need more focused to the target, while for Alma she's still need some more training with her Love power" Tecna asked me.

"What about Sarah, Chole, Zoey, Nani, Will, & Bailey. Are they doing great process" I said to Tecna. "Well yes, but Zoey still scared because last time she's almost frozen the lake" "I'm sure she's doing fine...she's just need some time" I began to walked away and begin talking to Bloom.

"Hey Rosella long time no see, it's been 15 years. How are you?!" She asked me "I'm great and it's good to see you too Bloom...all of you thank you for coming to help them trained their magic. I don't know what will I do without you guys!!".

"Well you can say thank you, and. That what's friends do, we love helping each other's even you Rose" Flora said while she's trained Sarah with her Natures power. "Speaking of that, how's it's going with the boys. Are they doing fine" I said's.

The Winx just quite this is not good 'last time Bailey almost hit by a tree'. So I suggest to check on them. When I saw them Will is getting better with his sword, but Bailey on the other hand still need some practice.

I walked and greet by Sky "Hey there Rosella, how are you" "I'am well thank you Sky, how's it's going with them" I said. "Well Bailey still need some a little more practice with he's magic lasso. Will he's getting the hang of the sword, because I trained him" I smiled at him (Sky). That's good news.

It's already passed lunch time, but they didn't want to stop and they always said 'Maybe latter' or 'I'm still need more practice' or 'later I'm busy because I need to practice my power' can this day get any worse.

So I decide to take care Snowfall and the other horses...Alone. While I were cleaning & grooming the horses, I heard something from afar Miss Faragonda told me how to used thee power.

When I was at outside I saw something from above the clouds, it a dark clouds closing the sun. But I thought today was supposed to be bright, I wonder what's going on.

'I know I saw those clouds before... But where???' I decide to find it on my history dark magic book. It was a warning/Sind from the...Shadows lightning. This is their first warned, I hope my friends were ready to fight them.

'God have mercy on us all & may God be us all' I thought.

"Hey there Rose...are you okay?? Come on it's going to rain, we better get inside" Said Will, he took my hand and lead me inside the house. It's not a rain... It's the Shadow Lightning.

"Rosella you're scaring me, come on you can tell me anything... Come now what's going on" Will asked me. "Well you told me that clouds at outside, it's not a rain clouds... It's The Shadow Lightning. This is their first warning. I'm scared Will" I cried he hug me tight. Try to comfort me, but it didn't work.

Then the others begin to notice that I was so worry, I was worry about my sister safety. I promised to mom & dad to keep them safe, let's just hope that Shadow lightning come alone.

"Rose what the matter, are you okay" Said Stella. "Tecna, Roxy can you find out about Shadow Lightning, and please if you have any information about him please let me know" I explained.

"Wait Rose did you just said Shadow Lightning" Bloom said. "Yes I did, I saw their first warning. And their first warning is sending that dark cloud" I replied to her. "You were right Rose and according to the conclusion it's really is  Shadow Lightning" Said Tecna.

I saw my friends were scared because I can see in their eyes. "To be honest with you guys he's here because he's coming after me" I said. All of my friends were so shocked even they all 'GASPING'.

"And what exactly that he want from you Rose" Musa Said. "He wanted my crystal dragon flame power, because he knows that power were the most powerful one & it's very rare to find" I said.

"I will not let that happen to you, because we will always be there for you Rose... All of us will be there for you... I will be there for you no matter what. Because you know why". He's said. "What" I asked. "Because we all love you so much Rose... I love you so much" I am so lucky to have them as my best friends.

'Lets just hope we'll be able to defeat him'

Horseland: Chloe & Zoe Oldest Sister ( Will Love Story )Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα