1 - The Beginning, Part One

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Hello, I am Izaque Sanvezzo, Stake2, and Funkysnipa Cat.

This is "The Life of Littletato", a story of mine, I created it on August 5, 2017 (05/08/2017).
I created it on the story website called "Wattpad", it was one of my first stories.
It came after my first story, "Desert Island", created on October 23, 2016 (23/10/2016).
I created an account on Wattpad and wanted to test the website, and how it would be to write on it, creating a story called "Littletato".
Which was a mix of "Little" and "Potato", then, I began to write it.
I wrote an entire chapter in one line, with grammatical and typographical errors, with few interesting things.
I still have files of the old chapters to read and see how my writing and storytelling skills have improved.
So, in 2021, I started to revise all the chapters to improve them, I also translated it to Brazilian Portuguese.
And write them in the style of my story "SpaceLiving", with topics and transitions separated by paragraphs.
My story "SpaceLiving" was created on January 19, 2019 (19/01/2019).
I got inspired to start writing stories because of a Brazilian story in the green text format, a writing style that originated on the website 4chan.
The story is called "Year 2035", a name given by me, as it is the first sentence of the story.
Created by "Magno A Lima", on October 7, 2016 (07/10/2016), it is a story of science fiction, survival, fighting, zombies, and superpowers.
It tells the story of Andros, a man who participates in resistance, fighting against a controlling government.
Against zombies, controlling corporations, criminals, and scientific experiments on humans.
The story was so good and interesting, I could feel what the characters were feeling, and imagine the scenes and scenarios.
And I wanted to make people feel and imagine that too, that is why I started writing Littletato.
It has been seven years already, seven years of writing Littletato, this wonderful story, I am writing from 2024.
It is incredible to see how Littletato has evolved a lot over these seven years.
She started as a potato, and a story of a potato in a world of vegetables, like a fable, and a test story.
And she evolved into a girl, a responsible and mature woman, who has her house, work, and a spouse.
She has fun, listens to music, watches things, rides a car, visits places, and goes out with her friends.
I am so happy to know that I already created thirty-three chapters of this story, that makes me so happy :3.
I love this story so much, it helped me create this love and passion for writing and helped me start writing other stories of mine too, like SpaceLiving.
So, thanks for giving my story a try, and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

This story is inspired by:
Slice of life anime, that shows the everyday life of a person.
The anime "Yuru Camp", that shows the lives of girls who like to camp as a pastime and their daily lives.
It is a very relaxing anime about camping, and it has a very relaxing soundtrack too, which I always listen to while writing Littletato.
I would say that the soundtrack of Littletato is the soundtrack of Yuru Camp, and also songs from the folk genre.
Littletato would also like to go camping just like the girls of the anime.
She likes to have relaxing moments like this, on a Saturday morning, after having lunch, spending time with her family or friends, sitting on the sofa.
Watching TV, sitting on area chairs, relaxing, in a park having a picnic, or going on a trip.
This story is also inspired by normal daily life, that I have, and that I see in other places.
For example, in various media, anime, cartoons, series, movies, and videos that show the daily lives of people.
With this story, I have the wish to show the daily life of Littletato, what her life is like, and how incredible it is.
I love this story so much, and I'm happy to write it and to have created it.

Dates of the chapter:
This chapter was originally written on August 5, 2017, at 23:44.
It was last revised on February 20, 2024, at 01:27.
And it was translated into English on February 24, 2024, at 19:35.

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