8 - Littletato's programming, the exciting film

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It was a Monday, Littletato woke up and yawned, she had to get ready for work.
She looked at the clock and it was six in the morning, Julia was still sleeping.
Littletato came to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.
She walked close to the window and saw the beautiful sunrise, then took a picture of it with her phone.

She finished preparing breakfast, walked to the bedroom, and tried to wake up Julia.
Julia woke up and hugged Littletato tight, caressing her hair.
She kissed Littletato in her lips and smiled.
"I love you, honey, you're so cute," said Julia to Littletato.
"I love you too my cutie, my little flower," replied her, that caressed Julia's hair.
"Let's go eat breakfast, hon," said Littletato.

They both walked to the kitchen and sat at the table.
The couple felt the warm sun touch their skins.
Littletato and Julia smiled while looking at each other.
They were drinking hot chocolate and eating slices of bread with butter.

Julia and Littletato finished eating and Littletato walked to the bedroom to prepare herself for work.
She was ready, they both walked to the front door, Julia hugged Littletato tight.
"See you later, hon," says Julia, that gives a kiss in the lips of Littletato.
"See you," says Littletato, who returns the kiss.

Littletato opens the door and waves goodbye to Julia while smiling, she waves back, Littletato starts to walk to her job.
She puts on her earphones and puts a song to play on her phone, on the Vegetify app, it is a song of the Dubstep genre.
Then she continues to walk to work while listening to the song.
The girl looks at the trees and nature, the people walking around and the morning in the city.
She thinks that it is so beautiful, human nature, the stars, the universe.
Littletato likes to think about the unknown, about science, discovering new things.

After walking a little, she arrives at her workplace and enters it.
She pauses the song and removes her earphones, then walks to her desk.
Littletato turns her computer on and says "Hi" to some co-workers.
The computer turns on and Littletato opens her text editor.
Her boss sends a message to her through a messaging program that the company where Littletato works created.
The boss says that she needs to make the typing part of a smartphone messaging app.
She sends to Littletato a text file saying how the typing part needs to be made.
Littletato receives it and reads, then she starts programming the typing part.

Then after some time typing and coding, Littletato finishes the part of the app.
She sends the file with the code to her boss.
Her boss tests the code file to see if it works, it does.
Then her boss sends a message through the company's messaging program.
The message says, "Hey Littletato, can you fix this part here? the part where the user types the message text, it's a bit small, can you enlarge it, also paint it white and give it a gray border?"

Littletato replies positively and continues to work on the code.
She finishes it and sends it again to her boss, she checks it and says that it is good.
Then Littletato starts to fix some bugs (errors) in another app that the company needs to make.

After sometime coding, working time ends.
Littletato sends the debugged (fixed) code file to her boss and turns off the computer.
She takes her things and gets up from her desk, then leaves the building and starts walking home.
While walking, she sees the lights of the city and the lamp poles.
She thinks about how people can get together and know each other, Littletato loves to study human nature.

She thinks that she needs to buy some food and starts to walk to the supermarket.
Littletato arrives there and walks to the supermarket shelves.
She gets a shopping cart, walks to the snack part of the market, and grabs a pack of Doritos.
The girl walks to some refrigerators, opens one of them, and takes a bottle of Coca-cola.
Then she puts it inside the cart and walks to the cashier, she pays and grabs the bags, then starts to walk home again.

Then she arrives at home and knocks on the door.
Julia opens and gives a big hug in Littletato, smiling happily and saying, "You're here honey!"
Littletato kisses Julia in her lips and smiles, then says, "I'm back, my baby".

They enter inside the house and Julia locks the door.
Littletato walks to the kitchen and leave the bags on top of the table, then walks to her bedroom and changes herself.
Julia goes there and hugs Littletato.
The couple goes to the kitchen and Julia starts to prepare dinner with the help of Littletato.

Julia and Littletato finish preparing the dinner, they made some noodles with grated cheese and ketchup.
Littletato said that she bought a bottle of Coca-cola, she takes the bottle out of the fridge and fills two glasses, one for Julia and one for her.
They eat dinner while drinking Coca-cola.
Then the couple goes to the living room and turns on the television.

They open the app called Vegeflix and put up "Captain Vegerica: Vegetable War" to watch.
The couple starts to watch while drinking some Coca-cola and eating the pack of Doritos that Littletato bought.
They get glazed in the movie and keep cheering for the characters they like, they love to see the special effects and the powers of the heroes.
Julia says she likes the Black Vegenther, Littletato says she likes the Black Vegwidow.
Julia lays her head on Littletato's lap and she keeps caressing Julia's hair.

After a few hours of watching and eating, the film ends.
Julia and Littletato feel a little tired, they turn off the television.
Littletato goes to the kitchen and puts the bottle of Coca-cola inside the fridge.
Then she puts the empty Doritos pack inside the trash bin.

They walk to the bedroom, Littletato lies on the bed and Julia lies down next to her.
Littletato kisses Julia in her lips and smiles while caressing her hair.
"Your hair is so soft love, I love to pet it," says her.
"Thanks, my dear, I love when you pet me like this, it makes me feel so special," replies Julia.
"Hehe, I love you my little sweet potato," says Littletato.
They hug tight and cover themselves with the blanket, sleeping right after.

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