5 - The space traveler dream

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Littletato was drawing something on her computer using a program called Paint Tool SAI.
It was a program where you could draw digitally, using pencils, brushes, and make line art.
She liked to use that program to draw stuff, she finished drawing a potato some days ago.
Littletato was drawing an anime girl today, the girl had yellow hair and blue eyes.
She was drawing the girl while listening to some songs of the Future Bounce genre on Vegetube.
Julia was in the bedroom using her laptop, talking with some friends on Vegebook and Vegewitter.
Littletato was a little hungry and asked if Julia wanted to make dinner with her.
Julia said yes and they both walked to the kitchen, they prepared rice with beans and some salad to eat.
They ate together while talking a little, looking at each other, and smiling.
"Hey, honey, what you were drawing there?" asked Julia, looking at the screen of Littletato's computer.
"It's just an idea that I had, of an anime girl with an orange cat on her lap, what do you think sweetie?" asked Littletato.
"I think it is very good honey, you're so good at drawing, I wanted to know how to draw as well as you," replied Julia.
"Hehe, thanks honey, I'm happy that you think that, I would love to teach you how to draw someday," said Littletato.

Then they finished eating, they cleaned up the table and Littletato helped Julia wash the dishes.
They both walked to the living room, Littletato turned on her computer and opened the Paint Tool SAI program.
Julia sat beside her, looking at the screen, Littletato opened the file of the drawing of the anime girl with an orange cat.
Littletato started teaching Julia how to draw, she hid the line art of the drawing to show Julia how to draw the line art.
She drew and looked at Julia, giving the mouse for her to try, Julia started drawing the line art, clicking with the mouse.
Julia was very good at it, she knew how to draw very easily, Littletato smiled while looking at her, being proud.
Julia started drawing cats, stars, cars, Littletato was surprised, she was very happy that Julia could draw so well.
"Hey honey, maybe you should download Paint Tool SAI on your computer, you're very good at drawing!" said Littletato.
"Yes, I agree, can you send me the link so I can download it?" asked Julia.
"Yes honey," said Littletato, then she sent the download link of the program to Julia through Vegesapp Web.
Julia opened her laptop and turned it on, opening Mozilla Vegefox and opening the link, putting the program to download.
Julia said she was a little tired, Littletato said that too, they both turned off their devices and gone to the bedroom.
They laid on the bed and covered themselves with the blanket, hugging tight and sleeping well.

Julia and Littletato started dreaming together, they were on a cold planet, a blue planet.
Julia was shivering, hugging herself, and sighing, she wanted to find somewhere warm to stay.
She looked around and did not know the environment, she was not used to alien things.
She was in doubt about the animals and life on that planet, she was curious and wanted to learn more and more about the place.
There was a strange creature close to them, it had a human shape, his head was a screen, they did not understand what it said.
Looks like it was speaking an alien language, it was looking a little surprised and also happy, like he never saw humans before.
The couple could understand his language a little bit, he said that he was called Spet.
He stopped looking at them and walked to his house, entering it and closing the door.
Julia and Littletato started walking around the planet, looking at some strange animals.
They noticed that they had a multi-tool, it could mine gems and ores, it could also manipulate the terrain and fight aliens.
The couple also had a jetpack or jump pack, with which they could jump and climb stuff.
Julia started walking close to a red plant and collected it with her hands, she received the oxygen element.
They had an Exo suit, it was like a backpack where they could store things and technologies, it also helped them stay alive.
Julia opened the inventory of her Exo suit and saw that she had the oxygen element on her inventory.
She had a device in her Exo suit called Life Support, it helped them to stay alive, she used her oxygen to refuel the device.
Littletato did that too, they thought that the planet they were on was very weird.
They both started walking close to a spaceship, it recognized them like it was their spaceship.
The couple jumped on top of the spaceship and the door of it opened, they entered it and sat.

Littletato did not know how to drive the spaceship, so she pulled a switch that was in the same position where the keys were in cars.
The spaceship turned on, they heard a laser sound, a sound of something alien being activated.
Littletato pushed a button, the spaceship took off and began to hover in the air, they were a little scared by that.
Littletato grabbed the steering wheel of the spaceship and moved it to the right, turning the spaceship in 360ยบ.
"Are you sure that you know how to drive this spaceship honey?" asked Julia which was behind Littletato.
"No honey, I'm just trying to learn how to drive it," said Littletato.
The beak of the spaceship was pointing at an animal on the planet, Littletato pressed a button which she did not know what did.
A laser was shot at the animal, it died, that laser came from the spaceship, it was used to mine asteroids in space.
"Oops," said Littletato with a worried face, looking at the animal.
Then a Sentinel appeared close to the spaceship, scanning them, it looks like they committed a space crime and had a wanted level there.
Littletato stepped on the accelerator of the spaceship and began to fly around, trying to escape the sentinel, which was like a planetary policeman.
She wanted to leave the planet to escape and pointed the beak of the spaceship up.
The spaceship passed through the atmosphere and the couple arrived in space.
Littletato thought that it was beautiful out there, with a lot of planets, space, and the sun of that galaxy.

The galaxy was called Rameses B, Littletato could upload the info of the galaxy and gain units, which were like space money.
Littletato stepped on the accelerator of the spaceship and began flying around the galaxy.
She saw an asteroid and pushed the same button that killed the animal, the spaceship fired its laser and mined the asteroid.
The spaceship collected the elements from the asteroid, which was silver, it could be used to build heat and toxic protections.
"This game is very fun!" said Littletato, excited when firing the laser.
"Wait... are we in a game?" asked Julia in doubt.
"Uh... I guess so, this looks like a game that I saw some months ago, so I thought this was that game," said Littletato.
"Weird... hey honey, can we go to another planet?" asked Julia.
"Of course honey, what type of planet do you want?" asked Littletato.
"A very hot one, I was beginning to freeze at the planet we were before," said Julia.
"Okay hon," said Littletato, which started to drive the spaceship, looking for a warm planet.
She found one and began entering its atmosphere, the window of the spaceship was a little warm because of the atmospheric pressure.

Littletato parked the spaceship close to a planet base and came out of the spaceship along with Julia.
They started walking around the planet looking for something to do.
The Life Support device of Littletato was a little empty, she collected some oxygen with her hands, and refilled it.
Julia did that too, she also recharged her Hazard Protection device with Sodium.
That device was used to continually monitor and stabilize the user's environment, protecting the user from heat, cold, toxicity, or radiation.
Littletato started looking at a crashed spaceship, there was a terminal close to it.
She started reading the log of the machine, it looked like some space pirates shot this spaceship, trying to steal a rare plant that it had.
Littletato discovered that the pilot of the spaceship escaped by running around this planet.
The pilot also found a deposit of very rare materials, some elements used to recharge protection devices, and some materials to build upgrades.
Littletato could see the location of the deposit on her radar, she asked Julia if the wanted to go there.
Julia said yes, after that, she looked at a small animal that was close to them, it looked very cute.
Julia tried to give food to it and it ate the food, it began to follow Julia.
"Ah, honey, it is so cute, can we bring it with us?" asked Julia smiling at the animal.
"Of course honey, hehe," said Littletato smiling.
Then Julia grabbed the animal and began to follow Littletato.
Littletato grabbed some materials that were closed to the crashed spaceship and walked to her spaceship.
Julia and she entered the spaceship, Littletato turned the spaceship on, taking off and driving to the deposit.
Then the dream changed to another dream, Littletato and Julia were sleeping happy, together, in love with each other.

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