Tagged Again Because Life

25 0 3

I was tagged by KcQ3960 and I feel like I should just create a tag bookf so this one won't be full of tags. Also I just screenshoted the thing up there because I was too lazy to do stuffs

Let's get this thing going

1. Favorite Band? Tie between BVB, SWS, BMTH, FOB, and ATL

2. Favorite color? Black, red and blue

3. Favorite sport? I don't do sports

4. Favorite movie? The Nightmare Before Christmas

5. Favorite TV show? Idk, I don't really watch TV, unless Gravity Falls counts as a TV show

6. Favorite song? Probably Empire Into Ashes by Sleeping With Sirens

7. Favorite food? No idea. A lot of food is good

8. Favorite video game? Mirror's Edge

And I shall tag everyone reading this because I'm too lazy to tag people

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