day 14 - gender-swapped

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NOTE: This chapter has no correlation with the previous ones whatsoever.

I was originally going to make this chapter into a redo of these two cuties first meeting each other but I changed my mind and decided to do make it in a Hogwarts University AU instead. It will most likely be a lot longer than the other chapters... Just try and roll with it for me, okay? THANK YOU AND ENJOY! <3


As soon as Draca stepped into the party, she was tired of it. She wouldn't even have gone if it hadn't been her best friend's birthday. He had run into some cute bookish boy on campus that morning and had raved to Draca about him after classes.

"His hair was so curly, and it looked so soft," he had gushed. "It was like a shaved at the back and sides, but the top was completely frizzy. He was so pretty, Dray, I wanted to cry."

"Don't worry," Draca said as she finished an essay she had been slaving over all week. "I'm sure you'll run into him again."

"Sooner than you'd think, actually," Paz grinned mischievously and Draca narrowed her icy grey eyes at him.

"What do you mean?" she asked, sitting up and pushing her laptop to the side. "Paz, what are you up to?"

"Nothing!" Paz giggled, and Draca frowned at him. He never giggled.


"Okay, okay, he - um - he invited me to a party tonight."

"A party?" Draca said, her expression lacking any excitement whatsoever. "Have fun!"

Paz sighed and collapsed onto Draca's bed. "Please, Dray. It's my birthday."


"So you have to be a good best friend and come with me to this party. I know you hate going to parties, but who knows? Maybe you'll meet a cute girl there..."

Draca didn't reply. Paz stared at her with his big brown eyes. Draca sighed and nodded. "Fine, I'll go with you. I'm going to need a lot of wine beforehand, though."

"Brilliant - thank you so much, I owe you big time," Paz squealed, getting up and bending down in front of Draca's locked bedside cabinet. He whipped his wand out and muttered a quick 'Alohomora'. It swung open and he pulled a bottle of red wine out, along with two glasses.

"You don't owe me big time," Draca murmured, and Paz looked at her, an eyebrow raised.


"I said, you don't owe me big time... It's your birthday."

Paz grinned at her best friend and got up, wrapping his arms around her. "Thank you. Now, wine?"

"Fuck yes," Draca nodded, taking a glass out of Paz's hand and holding it out so it to be filled.


Paz left Draca's room at half past eight to get ready on the boys' side of Slytherin House. There were four main Houses at Hogwarts University: Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and Gryffindor. It wasn't compulsory to join a House, but most new students did so that it would be easier to make friends.

To join a House, one had to go to a short and private meeting with the Headmaster. Absolutely nobody was to accompany you to this meeting, and at the beginning of the year, there was always a long line of new students waiting to get 'Sorted', which was something the students of the university had nicknamed the process.

Paz and Draca had both been driven to getting Sorted by their families. Both of them came from long lines of successful, Pureblood witches and wizards. They had both been Sorted into Slytherin House, which they weren't surprised by, as the rest of their families had also been Slytherins. All of the Pureblood families sent their children to Hogwarts University, so they could receive the best education as they started work on progressing towards the careers that the parents usually picked out.

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